
It’s been a dog’s age since I listened to the first season of Serial. I remember coming away from it with two distinct impressions:

Serial raised questions about the legitimacy of the conviction, including... questionable cell phone tower data.

I hope the hell not, no need to give this walking orange toupee another 4 years.

It appears to be a violation of the emoluments clause. But despite how obviously this flies in the face of good and honest governance, due to the nature of Trump’s business interests that would be extremely hard to prove in a court of law. Past presidents would have been compelled by shame to sell their businesses or

Something something bootlicker, something something shutting down discussion, something something drink the kool-aid.

Did I do it right?!

And seriously, David, good to see you’re still here. BeABigRedOne is right--there was some concern about you and Sophie earlier.

Wow. I am surprised that I am surprised that Gaetz was the only one to vote against an anti-human trafficking bill bill.

The Breitbart headline writes itself, doesn’t it?

Eh, pretty sure the military would be on our side, although people throwing around the idea of a civil war are clearly out of ideas.

The election is the solution. Impeachment isn’t going to happen, Trump getting perp walked out of the White House isn’t going to happen. We need to recruit non voters, first time young voters and turn it disillusioned voters. People across the spectrum on the left need to vow to vote for all Democrats they can even if

How are we supposed to stop it? We’ve marched, we’ve petitioned, we’ve had strikes, we’ve voted and flipped the house. Give us some ideas that will work. Armed insurrection is not in the cards; the other side has better weapons.

What I don’t get is why did she take her FB page down? She was proud of her association with all of those GOP “bigwigs”, and it’s not like the Interwebs ever forget anyway.

I sighed with relief. Now... to get back to fighting people on the internet in the ultimate contest of Who Is The Most Correct...

Wow. The Chinese have better access to Trump than American journalists do.

“Only the best people...”

If that is their method of making the announcement, it’s incredibly shitty, and far less professional than David and Sophie deserve.

However, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, see what happens.  They may surprise us with their decency (they really do, occasionally, and I’ve never known GMG-or-Gawker employees

Ummmm .... making up ALL of the details and lying multiple times to law enforcement is what he is being charged with. You can chose to believe him still, but you can’t lie and say he is being charged for some descriptive mistakes.

Paying these dudes to pretend to kick his ass is a bit more than just just getting some details wrong 🤣

Oh please.


Pretty sure it's one count for every time he lied in his statements to police.