
The military has a major rape problem and the way it handles it is to sweet it under the rug and shame women into silence. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say ‘He’s a good man, this will ruin his career!’ or some variation on that... I wouldn’t be poor.

The best part of his apology? That blank page he's holding, like Trump's folders, is the gift that’ll keep giving forever.

Hence the difference between people of character and the apparently bottomless grab bag of fucking imbeciles on fox news.

PREDICTION: Sarah Sanders will claim that “Tim Apple” is Trump’s nickname for Tim Cook and that he totally meant to call him that and how dare you say it was a mistake this is why media is the enemy of the American people also yes my face is slowly sliding off my skull.

Kill yourself.

If we had enough Dems with balls and a sense of the dramatic, they should invite her to speak again.

Jesus, she can’t even just drink regular water? She needs fancy imported eye-talian water?

She is a liar. She has perjured herself in front of Congress and the American people, the people she swore to defend and who employ her.

agreed but this allows the Dems to create a narrative of following the rules and not rushing a case that could be seen as harassment the dipshit keeps twittering about. unfortuantly there is a large segment of the public that think “both sides....” and the non-looney party needs to get those people to the polls the

They have several (3) options. Pretty detailed, so here’s a good explainer:

As of January of this year, Mueller has indicted 6 Trump advisers, 26 Russians, 3 Russian organisations, a California man that worked for the Russians and a London-based lawyer. 5 of the 6 Trump advisers have already plead guilty. If this is a fishing expedition, then it’s been a successful one so far.

I’m such a Deadspin fanboy that I hate Barstool Sports despite the fact that I’ve never visited their site.

Two things (and ihadwords definitely got there first on my first point):

1.) If you “love your family,” you don’t go fucking other people while your partner is pregnant. Frankly, if you have a mutually-agreed-to monogamous relationship (meaning there is no mutually understood expectation or acceptance of extramarital

Unproven, but also highly likely he’s financed an abortion or three because he didn’t want His Family to have to deal with the sometime consequences of affairs, and, um... he just loves the unborn children so much.

You know... if actually loved his family... he wouldn’t be sleeping with a pornstar while his wife was pregnant... Just a thought.

I think we need to go past insecurity and really look at mental and emotional wellness. Slate or Salon had 2 articles yesterday on his mental state that were terrifying.

Politics aside, I’m perfectly comfortable not giving the benefit of the doubt to a guy who cheats on his wife with a porn star. I may end up being wrong on occasion.

I’m starting to think Trump is a bit of a moron.

What level of insecurity must you be feeling on a daily basis to not only criticize a Columbia/Harvard graduate for not releasing their high school transcripts, but to then bury your own?