Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness

It's really quite simple. They just need to put the ball in the circle thing more and they'll win.

I mean that’s base pay. They have mandatory overtime pay and shift differentials too. I doubt anyone is making their base pay.

Thats the decision I made last year. I have exclusively bought vehicles with 100k or more miles since I was 16 more than 20 years ago. Keep them for a year or two, do any work myself unless it’s major, and then flip them to someone else for what I paid for them.

I have had a Mazda 3 for 15 months and have only paid for the 5k and 10k routine checks. I’m not sure how a BMW would shake out but you can’t get much cheaper than mine.

Probably all their unearned participation trophies.  

Is that Kevin spacey

Or to at least just keep playing normally and if he gets it he gets it.  If not so be it 

Clothes, in a small town, is already awkward at 6'4" (I'm perfect too, look at us two perfect guys).  It sucks.  Cars can suck too.

Tell her I somewhat understand. This shit happens to talk guys too (I’m 6'4").

Thank you for ranking me #1. The first time I've ever been #1.  Yay!

After a wild card round of Brewers I never have trouble scoring with handgela. She's reliably easy.

Yankees or red Sox?

We all know the answer is both Socrates

Youre wasting your time here. But keep up the good work. 

This is my MIL to a tee. She constantly drones on to her friends, in public, in Facebook how much she lives her grandkids. But was in town for 8 weeks.  Never even told us.  Never calls. Didn't even come to their effing birthday party and bought them fucking hobby lobby gift cards like their, what, 70 year old women?

My wife’s mother is the crazy MIL. Drew is definitely wrong. He should stand up to the MIL or encourage his wife to do so.

The refs did say it was a fumble and did give the ball to the saints. So even they agree his ball was not going forward with the ball

Everybody loves their own brand, no?

Yes.  If he had said mad Max or the new mad Max I would have recognized the title.  Fury road didn't ring any bells.  I figured he was talking about some straight to TV thing which was likely still better than a football game, of that I would have no doubt.

Ah.  It's the new mad Max.  So I have heard of it.  But no I haven't seen it.