Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness

Its why I quit watching football. And why my enjoyment of basketball is less (though it isn’t as bad in basketball so I can still find some joy).

Would work for Spanish too.

I already did, 4 years ago.

You don't eat either of those with your hands in contact with the bread.  

The fact that not a sandwich is Fred Savages take is a strong argument in favor of it being a sandwich. It you ask me.  (Which you did not but I told you anyway).

No because that’s a filled food. It’s cooked with the food already inside it. Like a hot pocket, or a calzone, or those Australian sausage rolls things, etc.

Its a sandwich derivative of Italian-american origin.

Labrador retriever is the name of the whole thing. Does that mean it’s not a dog?

Is different because I say it's different is a tautology sophist.

Tortillas are a type of unleavened flat bread.  Tacos are sandwiches.

Ive definitely heard sub sandwich hundreds of times.


As someone said above. The Mariners and expos in MLB both are terrible.

Dude the Sonic’s had the winningest team in the NBA through the 90s. Won 60+ several times that decade.

Holy shit those highlights were enjoyable. I wish the NBA broadcast networks could see how much better the calls can sound when Jackson and van gundy are nowhere to be seen.

Where have you been? Everything is a political issue now my man.

You have made yourself look like such a tool virtue signalling.  The guy you're responding to was obviously being sarcastic.

Most of these guys are dicks. At least when it involves competition.

Thats exactly what I thought. My close friends and family are absolutely welcome to anything I have. I trust them not to be too greedy and if they break something to say something and help fix it.

I don't know. I laugh pretty hard at jr smith and other NBA players.  I chuckle with every missed layup.