Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness

Its weird right now. I found the same thing and just decided to spend the money and buy a new car.

I think she should ask them to negotiate it. I bet they will.

This is a fair point. We really don’t think about this enough.

Except its not worthless. Scrap value is probably ~$200.

$150 > $0

Don’t dealers make money on the recalls too? Doesn’t the manufacturer pay them to do them?

But they probably did make nothing on it. They probably sold it at auction for a few hundred dollars. After auction and transportation fees they likely broke even.

And her car obviously drove, she drove it to the dealer. It would have taken a trivial amount of effort to get more than $0.

I think what he’s saying is he could take them off and sell them used for what the trade in was offering. I don’t know if thats true, but I think thats what he was saying.

If people could sue for being stupid the courts would be over flowing.

I’d be willing to deal with a lot of hassle for even $1000. Even if it took 10 hours to sell the car (everyone I’ve sold took a lot less time than that) that still a pretty good ROI.

I don’t think its thinking like a jalop. Its thinking resourcefully, or thinking like a businessman. Many (most?) people aren’t resourceful and don’t think like a businessman.

It always gets me too. You waited for a sale to save $25 but when it comes to a big ticket item like a car, worth hundreds to thousands, people suddenly don’t give a shit.

Really setting the bar low for women. You must know some dumb women. 

So women are incapable fools?

So don’t have them show up to the house. The car obviously drives, she drove it to the dealer.

Shit, where I’m at running cars, even in not so great shape, fetch $2000 as long as they are intact and the title is clean.

Yes. I had an 85 subaru wagon that I got $400 bucks for at the recycling yard about 6 years ago.

I do agree though. If the car is worth less than $10,000 (a mid 2000s santa fe certainly is) sell it on craigslist or facebook marketplace.

Mine still looks good, no fading at all. Some scratches though. Stupid big tumbleweeds.