Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness

Andrew that was my diet before I was married. Pretty great.

Raisins are always optional.

They met at summer camp and she’s really cute.

I dont know where you live but Domino’s is probably the best national chain at this point.

Sure. Or it’s possible they made this allegation up to discredit him.

I had a brief moment when I thought wade.had gotten a head coach job awfully quick.

How could you possibly know how many stars it would get a whole 20m after it was posted?

Sure but an actual break, avulsion, or dislocation would effect function of the hand.


Even then the finals will still be boring. It’ll just be warriors rockets on the WCF to decide the NBA champ.

The way it was reported as “pretty much” a “broken hand” by one and a “significant” “hand injury” by another makes me question if this is an actual fracture and if so of which bone.

Or watching MJ win year after year.

The truth is, there are no easy answers. Real love is always dependent on two people agreeing to sacrifice something for each other.

All the homeschool kids I’ve known (pretty popular around here) were married and paired off by 22.

I find your “nowadays” comment interesting. Are you implying that men and women used to have a lot more inter-gender friendships than they do now?

I suppose the “in” is what you make of it. Are there any activities or groups in town that you could go to and be friendly at?

I would never say just get a sex worker. What a shallow answer.

Word. For me TV and literature made me think that those were the best most important ways to be happy and fulfilled.

Define no repurcussions. Define frequently.

From where I’m sitting fathers who leave there children get roasted regularly. Some who didn’t even have much choice (the woman took the kids and left) still get roasted for it.