Lol come on man. That was funny shit
Lol come on man. That was funny shit
By far the best Marble Race I’ve ever seen... I definitely would have lost money on that one
Hey don’t get all serious. Just pointing out he ain’t no “Saint."
It wasn’t an analogy. Just pointing out he ain’t no “Saint.” So put your suit back on. Your helmet. Your tie. Hop on your bike. And allow me to close the door on you.
Not equivalent. Just pointing out he doesn’t mind the lesser of two evils.
“I hate guns”... “ but eating hundreds of painkillers and putting a bounty on Brett Farve’s head and late hitting him till he retires is A.O.K. by me.
Mannnnn.... Disney is cashing in on Star Wars. But looks cool though. No Jedi, but alot of war action that looks bad ass.
Like a DJ playing a record or playing Golden Tee at the bar. Lmao that was good
After seeing that... your a smart man
Ha. Patriots fan....
Man I love it. You can get some really well trained dogs. Be pretty cool
The Mosler MT900.
That was bad but I did laugh so that's one star for you
Go Broncos!!!!
It was dirty. But he wanted to set the tone early. No more dabbin’ and lookin purty. Broncos defense wears Carheart, never Hurley.
He doesn’t want to start up with a new team again. It took him a year to get comfortable here and he probably only has that left. If the Broncos win the super bowl, Peyton will ride off into the sunset. It will be quite the unique situation though with him being the first QB to win with two teams. Drafted by and won a…
You got great opinions and I enjoy reading your work when you take over sometimes but you sure do bitch alot about the NFL. Risk vs reward. Risk of injury, bad training, shitty doctors to keep you on the field and terrible moral standards vs Reward, you took the millions, fame and to play a freakin game for a living.…
He usedan to like smoking weed. If you lived in colorado you’d be the same way Mr bonghits
Don’t fackin lie to me.