
What a fuckin dope. Im not sayin im a massive womens soccer fan. In fact its hard to watch soccer period. Men or womens. But I love America and the USA womens team is the best in tha biz. They kick tha shit outta everybody. Therefore im in. I love sports... All sports. I watched 3 hours of women softball a few

I got my own way to last forever and its kinda messed up but here it goes.

Fireball wins hands down. Drink it like a fish. But you wanna know the best way to drink it?

I really dont like Whitlock. Hes fuckin annoying.

The real analytics. Knowing exactly what the other guy is thinking.

A lil off subject but come on, its soccer.

That is quite the bad night. My buddy was wasted and stayed at our marine friends house in Cali for a few days. He was so wasted he went to go piss out the back door. (Ya, the back door.... Not the freakin bathroom to the left.) He pissed a nights worth of beers at the glass door thinkin it was open and just covered

When i discovered chuck eye i was pretty damn happy. Its a weird shape but man i can cook it delicious and med. rare jus fine. Best bang for the buck.

I am, always will be, a Broncos fan. I hated when he played us cause sometimes he would just absolutly wreck shit. Now that he’s been retired and i aint worried about any RB in the AFC West, ill say it.... LT is one of the Best backs to EVER put on a helmet. The guy was unstoppable. He’s a HOF’er all day.

Ya, i used to lean back and take a shit too. Then i was at my buddys house one day and noticed his toothbrush was in his room. I asked him what the fuck, you know? He then told me about some shit he read about an experiment where they find that if you flush your shit with the lid open, shit particles fly everywhere.

just when I thought these thieving assholes couldn’t get any more sad.... Bam

We did in the mountains but everybody had 3 in each hand so it was like firework uzis....until the Rangers rolled up

War.... War never changes

That was pretty freakin sweet. I like that guy. Protecting any women around him and his beer at the same time... He’s got his priorities together.

Thats funny, but so true. I got a marine buddy and a bunch of us were drinkin one night and he told a guy he’d kick his ass. That dude told him jokingly that he would have no problem shootin him if he had to. My marine buddy immediately and serious as a heart attack told him... I will wake you up in the night with 2

The American Dream. Thats a fat paycheck.

Turn the absurdity level up to 10 please.

Brilliant. Let’s alienate one of the brightest football minds in Harbaugh to the point where he goes back to college. Hire a weird fat fuck nobody knows, or cares about to coach a top team in the NFL.

I always liked Simmons. he always thought a lil deeper than most guys on espn. I never understood why you guys think he was so terrible.

lately I’ve been catchin a bunch of rainbow trout and recently I had a whisker size bone stuck in my throat and it was horrible. so if you’re eating trout just be aware that to be careful. but other than that trout is delicious. lil oil salt pepper inside and outside and grill it