
great comment till the "totes". That is a stupid ass word. By stupid people who thought one superbowl made them a dynasty. Idiots cant count, or jus dont get it. Btw, Denvers bud shits all over the rainy shitshow they call seattle. Macklemore and seahawks fans have mad America hate seattle....totes

Not suprised at all. The Paper compared Shaw with McDaniels. Bowlen knew when to cut the bullshit. Do the Kronkes have faith in whats goin down in Denver?

Ill trade you Oswiller for Carr. But Manning aint done for a lil while still. And pass Kalil Mack this way too. Give the kid a chance to be happy

Look how slow he's movin. When you're so used to smokin that "Cleaveland Brown"... some Denver "Nuggets" gets Love MileHigh

When you're High , anything you do is Dope.

yup I agree. When Cutler and Marshall were Broncos, nobody had a young gun with a higher ceiling than Cutler. Lookin at it today, he has hit his ceiling much sooner than I thought. Its too bad really.

lmao I know how they feel. I fuckin Love Chick-fil-A.

Broncos should be alright but superbowl teams normally are not so inconsistent. If New England has to come to Denver, ill be confident we can take it. But if its in Foxbourogh then it could be a bad day to be a Bronco fan. We need to let the RB's get in rhythm and not a play here and there. And run the ball instead of

lol that was funny. As much as I hate McDaniels AKA McDipShit for his bullshit he pulled around here. He put in motion the train that picked up Manning and a dominate team. I was pissed as all hell when I found out McDickFuck wanted Matt Castle over a young and highly talented Cutler. And just as pissed we got the

You're a fuckin moron. You a Raider fan? I can understand why you would want that then. Peytons playin the full contract...2017. I like Carr but you guys gotta ride the AFC West pine for a few more years

Maybe he should he retired after the neck injury?

You already know these NFL Assistent doc's in there pass them MoFuckin "Thangs that make yo head go Bang" out like candy.

They list "Ryan Leaf" as the Informant

They list "Ryan Leaf" as the Informant

When he wants to, and has space, Lacy is one of the more powerful backs in the league. Light on his feet so he can keep his legs movin yet is a guy who runs 'through' defenders instead of 'around' them.

jus stating my perspective.... you lil bitch

Why do you hate Mike & Mike and what do you listen to then ace?

What?! Mike and Mike aint bad. I like Golics point of view. Greeny can annoy some but hes a good guy.

Now playing

Lol thats funny. Go watch a few Sports Science segments and watch John Brenkes' hands. I knew right when I saw Toshs hands .

Cheap joke of the day