
An interesting book that I feel applies to this analysis is "Society Must Be Defended!" by French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault. In this book, compiled from a series of lectures he gave, he begins by asking himself what insights might be gained from an inversion of the famous Clausewitz aphorism, "politics

Louie hit this one on the head. I've dated a lot of heavier girls and I've definitely felt the judgement from other men. The problem isn't that men don't like big girls; it's that men don't like the way other men look at them when they're with big girls. It's a societal issue that Louis illustrates flawlessly. It's

i enjoyed the behind the scenes video more than the official video. very cool.

The Malaysian Airlines-sponsored pool dunk is supposedly way better, but I can't find the video anywhere.

If only we had some leads! GAH!