Angry B. Rabbit

Korea and the US have a tariff-free trade agreement, so the chicken tax argument is DOA, unless Kia follows everyone else’s lead and build it in Thailand. Yes, even China, because SAIC (MG, LDV) and Great Wall are building pickups there.

100% agreed. I am a political lefty actively pursuing adding an EV to the garage, and will not buy or lease a tesla. Although they are the most price competitive, the biggest reason we won’t get one is Elon’s downfall into being a rightwing edgelord chad.

Sort of off-topic, but has “Go Woke, Go Broke” ever worked in real life?

I’m from Detroit and I’ve always wanted to ride on the ferris wheel inside this tire!

There’s been some really lousy reporting on that, and this line in the story (and the linked article from which it came) joins that dubious body of work. The point in saying that the federal government will be responsible for the majority of the costs is that a) part of the point of having a federal government is to

Did you read the article?  He used the sign after he was unable to get any buyers from his online ads.

Why do you "loath people who do this"?  I am legitimately curious and a little confused

If you fire all of the bad cops, then there won’t be any left.

16 million empty houses in America.

Here’s what it looked like before the collapse.

Driver said it was paid off in an interview with a local news channel. They plan to file charges. The tow company did not respond to the news channel’s request for comment.

Yes, yes they are. Because they expect the promised range, and that is how Tesla calculated that range. There is no defending this.

So are we just not gonna talk about this?

there is no better symbol of freedom, prosperity and strength than hearing ‘Welcome to Trump International Airport’ as they land on American soil

Every car can serve briefly as a plane. 

> but goddamn that torque number.

I just wish they had similar hard ons for Nazis, Proud Boys, MAGA degens, and others of their ilk.

Cops seem to have a hard on for sovereign citizen loonies, which I heartily approve of. I just wish they had similar hard ons for Nazis, Proud Boys, MAGA degens, and others of their ilk. Guess that’s tricky though considering so many of their fellow cops are sympathizers of these groups, if not actual members.

Seriously? They thought this might have been legit?

Wait, the cops couldn’t verify the authenticity of the license plate even with this little text on it “Notice of fee schedule you agree to pay $10,000.00 for each minute delays or detained from a non-emergency traffic stop”?