
How the hell did this last seven seasons?

"Anyone out there for Gaius, who is my least favorite?"

RF to Niece Denise: "You're really good at movies."

I guess "stream of non-sequiters" is synonymous with "massive screenplay" now.

"The sound design in this episode was particularly great."
When Verger's knife clipped the bone in his nose I felt it in my teeth. That's Emmy caliber.

A not so coded message to his secret lover Dale.

Galling omission of Todd Haynes' SAFE here.

I love how smug Chilton was about just eating salad with Lecter, like that "ash" baked celery root was no thang. THIS SHOW.

All the hardcore Smurf heads are like, "Raja Gosnell isn't directing!?!? THEN IT'S NOT SMURFS."

Farley had the best line/delivery of the night: "Put this little crazy orange jackal behind bars. HE. DESERVES. DEATH."

As much as I like Jeri Ryan she had this weird, "trying way too hard" vibe that was a put off. I appreciate the arch-ness of the character, but listening to the way she over-annunciates and delivers lines about the "Willis Hypothesis" it's kind of rough.

the "angry hackers" in the headline is on some serious aggro 1995 zero cool/acid burn haterade. chill braj.