This. I think we all want 50:50 balanced, sub 3000 lb, with close to 10:1 power for around 40k.
God this times a million. I suppose we’re due for another Edsel.
Or 400lbs of torque anyway.
I can say from personal experience that with companies like this it’s ENTIRELY about the investors. The whole thing, including stoking public excitement, including articles just like this, is at its core just one big show just for them.
Yeah they’ve made some very shrewd moves in the past 10 years or so.
Yep this. Don’t forget the “ford loves America so much, now buy our stuff” campaign based on spin from all of this.
Yeah that’s not an actual argument against this.
Does everyone else now replace the word “disruptor” in their head with “arrogant douchebag company that ignores law and ethics in order to overinflate their IPO”, or is that just me?
fair point! Unlikely, but reasonably possible that the guy is nuts enough to deface his own car for attention.
This! Modulating between under and oversteer in a balanced RWD car is the best sensation in driving imo.
Grab a friend, two cans of spray paint and see how much damage you can do in 4 minutes. I have a feeling you might be surprised.
You’re right this is obviously a complex and staged propaganda to discredit innocent white Americans and totally not that two racist douchebags saw a black guy and wanted to fuck his life up.
Meanwhile in Syria...
Did this same thing during the Seattle ice storm a few years back with an NB on steely blizzaks.
Serious question: is the c7 fun within legal limits for a daily commute, or it is too composed until you’re in felony land?
I’d like to see the spinning bow tie.
I wouldn’t worry. Just be you, and don’t worry if there’s a name that people label it with 😬
Haha nice! You’re the real hero.