I feel you, but come on, mom doesn’t need to worry about shifting a 7-speed (#becauseemissions) manual while trying to get the kids to stop fighting and not get into an accident and talk on the phone all at the same time.
I feel you, but come on, mom doesn’t need to worry about shifting a 7-speed (#becauseemissions) manual while trying to get the kids to stop fighting and not get into an accident and talk on the phone all at the same time.
That’s the rub innit? The military industrial complex makes billions. This happens, at least in part, because the laborers/workforce get fucked in every hole and “management” could frankly give a damn. Hooray for capitalism!
This is what the people wanted. They elected him because he is not a politician. They traded in a scum for whatever is lower than scum. He is a real estate developer/ broker at heart. He plays both sides against the middle everytime. Whatever side benefits his wealth he goes to. Theres four years of this benedict…