
Or, as the story states, there’s a known issue and it’s been tested/proven. It’s also ok to say something isn’t working as well as it should be in hopes of getting it fixed.

Tick rate is the mathematical ability for the server to register your inputs.

You’d have to actually be good to notice it. Tick rate doesn’t matter when you’re running into the corner and shooting walls.


And the problem for Blizzard, after having positioned this as an eSports competitor, is the moment something like that causes a pro a match or a tournament, the entire community will be up in arms at best. At worst, the game will be abandoned by the pro scene entirely.

I see. This explains some of the things I was seeing last night. One example, I used a Blink as Tracer to get through a spot I knew a Widowmaker was covering, only to get killed anyways. Wondering how the hell that shot even hit me mid-Blink, the replay showed that I hadn’t even used the ability.

I always see this posted and never understand this logic. Why would you be looking at your character's butt at all? Why would it even matter? It's just pixels on a screen - if you like to pretend to be a woman that's your business - but don't hide behind "well I don't want to stare at manass" cop-out of shame. To

There's also the portion of the screen not devoted to your character's butt. You could stare at that too.

I've seen many people say this, but I don't think it's true in most cases It's more of a default ultra-masculine answer that dudes use when they don't want to start explaining any of the reasons this article touched upon to other people.

The fact that you're looking at the butt and not the game probably says quite a lot!

But you said you didn't want to look at man butt, my friend says the same thing but then again he has porn on absolutely everything he owns, as his wallpaper for his desktop, wallpaper for his phone, for his Vita, for his PSP, if he could I'm sure it would be in the background of his 3DS.

Does that mean all you think about is sex? Even when playing a game?

I agree with your sentiment here. I typically can't get into playing female characters. If given the option I always play males. However, I'm strongly of the opinion that other people can do whatever they want, I'm not one to judge.

What this article could not do in pages, you did in a sentence... bravo

In all fairness, the women in Dark Souls 2 don't look wildly different from the men :p

You may not be alone but you're definitely all weird. I can't do it. I always make a guy.