
But this remake will RUIN my childhood!

A+ pedantry.

Maxwell Smart uses his shoe phone to call his mother… whose name… is Martha.

Sure. That's a good point. That wasn't the point I was thinking of, but hey – anything to justify my top-two "If You Could Bone a Celebrity" picks being in (another) movie together.

I like this two-Bond scenario. A lot. Like a LOT.

Same here. I'd liked the idea of Idris long before Hiddleston was being floated as a possible Bond. I'd love to see Hiddleston as Bond because I'd love to see Hiddleston in anything, but I would feel rather badly if Idris didn't get it. The fan encouragement and support for Idris as Bond has been going on for years! I

That's possible, but A) if he had, we likely would have heard about him shooting a scene, and B) Mr. Robot's anarchist / anti-capitalist bent makes it problematic for a sitting president to admit liking, let alone participate in. (Disclaimer: I know Obama's publicly stated he likes other shows like Game of Thrones and

Probably a combo of finding phonetically similar words Obama's actually said, and/or voice impersonator.

I meant I'd rather have Hiddleston and Hopkins as the characters in the Gaiman work as opposed to the Marvel film.

Now you've just make me sad this isn't real.

He used to be super-active on Twitter, but after getting married and taking flak from so-called fans about his personal life, he deleted it all.

Man, first Hannibal and now this. It's hard out there for a cannibal.

Hah! Do we know the same person? "3eb" on her forearm?