Yup. Thats what it generally costs me. Thats why i was shocked by a $330 sticker price on the bloodwork through LabCorp.
Yup. Thats what it generally costs me. Thats why i was shocked by a $330 sticker price on the bloodwork through LabCorp.
I had all the bloodwork done, as I do periodically, but this time I had it done through my insurance on a regular blood draw appointment.
Your math is off. You’re basing the cost asked ($330) on the cost to perform the procedure.
In Philadelphia, in network. Not considered necessary or preventative. I usually get my bachelor’s screenings at planned parenthood, and will continue to do so, as long as they are allowed to exist.
I do totally overlook responsible electric bicycle riders like you, if only for the reason that I have never, not even once, encountered a responsible electric bicycle rider like you.
It wont happen in my lifetime (another 50 years). Too many people that make the rules are crippled by a fear of technology, don’t understand the technology, or just spread a fear of potential fraudulent use (generally unjustified by data).
...and yet iTunes remains the main reason I keep getting iPhones. In anticipation for the abandoning of iTunes on OSX, I just swapped my library to my Windows rig.
Yeah, sorry... property owner is not at fault here.
“Just have it towed” doesn’t always work. Tow trucks can take hours to move a car, if it all.
I have to move two to three cars a year for this reason. It is quite selfish to think it is okay to do this on someone else’s property without repercussion.
Not acceptable. Taking the lane is appropriate. Asking someone to walk a vehicle is not.
This solution is offered from time to time. When my state was looking at ride-on-red allowances because they wouldn’t put in proper traffic lights, the suggestion to walk bicycles and motorcycles across intersections came up.
Hyperbole is not lies; hyperbole is exaggeration. The statement you judged your ability to speak down to me was obvious hyperbole. Cat ownership is related to a partnership or at the extreme, servitude, by more than one expert, let alone a running joke of a lot of cat owners. For you not to understand tis, or think…
I understand cats very well, thanks. Obviously, the comment that I am here to do their bidding is hyperbole, but you wanted to extend that to putting yourself on a pedestal of superior knowledge. How helpful.
My cats don’t go outside for a number of reasons. But I make their life inside happy enough for them that they…
Anytime we try to control these messes, it gets worse. Some years ago, the powers that be killed off Alligators on Sanibel island and the raccoon population was unbearable; maybe stop trying to undo the damage resultant of invasive species is worse than the damage of invasive species. Obviously, in some cases, like…
Not that i’m advocating for some awful change that impacts motorcyclsts, but motorcycles do not require front plates in any of the States and in most (if not all) of the world. Why do we need plates on the front of a car? (“Because there are fewer of them” is not a valid reason.)
Having owned 4 vehicles in my driving…
ahh... that’s not mud, then?
Ive tried MediaMonkey and Spotify. Its not a trivial process to do this. Neither were what i would consider better for my needs than iTunes. I’m actually hoping for a slimmed down iTunes that only handles music, and only from a local library.
Maybe skewed, but my opinion of those that rely just on streaming services, and particularly one particular streaming service (Pandora, Spotify, whatever) is that they only listen to popular music and like being told what to listen to instead of developing taste for themselves.
Read the entire article before posting. The paragraph in question was mainly a ‘I dont need this app because of how I listen to music, so you shouldnt have it either’ with a disclaimer that there will still be iTunes in some form. I am unsure where you get the idea that i didn’t read it, but i do like it when people…
Streaming won’t work for me. Streaming a curated library that i own gives me all the disadvantages of owning and organizing a collection and all the disadvantages of streaming.
Plus, Google is VERY finicky on the songs it uploads without a way (at least when i uploaded them a few years ago) to tell which songs it…
Random hangs, i didn’t prefer the interface organization, album art wouldn’t show on about half the collection (all are embedded). Some songs were missing on first import, had to delete the album and re-import. Other issues I can’t remember, i’m sure.
What works for some doesn’t work for others.