As the groups cartographer, and the one with a collection of bikes that are not only dependable but have realistic maintenance schedules, that doesn’t happen.
As the groups cartographer, and the one with a collection of bikes that are not only dependable but have realistic maintenance schedules, that doesn’t happen.
ive never changed chain guides, and had multiple 100k mile cars and 30k+ bikes.
I do multi-thousand mile trips. None of my Ducati friends are welcome for a reason. The BMW guys are borderline, and often spend the time bitching about maintenance costs before the trip.
I don’t buy cars with timing belts, i’m sure as hell not going to buy motorcycles with them.
My Wrangler will. Does that count?
Did I hear “more aftermarket customization options”?
Ahhh, perpetuating the fallcy of a need for automated car washes...
Having not washed my cars since 2012, I think the better option if you cannot hand-wash or pay someone to hand-wash your car might be “don’t wash it”. Maybe.
Oh, I absolutely agree with you. Removing yourself from the situation can be a very safe tactic. But as all traffic differs, all situations differ; im not going to say as a blanket statement that rmoving yourself from the roadway, or pulling over is always the best option.
As a driver’s safety instructor, I want your instructor’s head on a pike.
It’s not proepr driving. It can cause (as in be the primary cause of) a collision (though, not an accident).
Moving over is an option. As is slowing down to increase the safety gap between you and the other driver. Or leading them through potholes (my favorite).
Brake checking is an immature action and a sign that the driver cannot handle the stress of handling traffic.You don’t do it.
No one did; but that’s the big argument with people that defending licensing such morons.
I’m sure he only drunk inebriated those twenty-three times; I’m sure he was caught every time he did it.
Imprisoning someone costs ridiculous amounts of money. I’m for permanent revocation of licenses. If states continue to endorse repeat offenders, we should start holding states responsible for endorsing inept…
There is a similarly ridiculous argument that states that unlicensed drivers tend to have no insurance or registration or current inspection either. Of course, no real (read: NTHSA, DoT, etc) data to back this up.
There is a man with 23 DUIs in Maryland. And he is eligible for re-licensing.
Rider’s choice, always. It can be safer, it’s up to the rider to determine that for the situation.
Lane Filtering is becoming a thing, finally. With the Berkley Study and California’s acceptance to argue this legally (instead of the default ‘lane-splitting is not illegal because it is not mentioned as being illegal’, which was FINE), More states are revisting this. Washington just passed it, Texas and Utah are up…
Yup, the ole’ “He’s gonna do it anyway” defense for not removing someone’s license.
Ahh, no. I have electronic flashers in all of my vehicles for a reason. This is one of those things I would turn off if given an option. And I LOVE turning off all those options (“Eco” display, Hill Assist, Headlights with wipers, TPMS, etc.)
Our driver’s education system is designed so a child can take the test (seriously, not debatable), and most people choose to stop at the absolute bare minimum in training. So yes, in comparison to other countries that force (this is a good thing) more training or their driver’s main goal isn’t convenience, we don’t…