
agreed, sorry I meant to say "HL2". Half life as a whole showed us that games could tell us a story without having to cut to an FMV. It production values as a whole blew my 13 year old mind so far open it never closed again. Even then the whole of Half life is more a joke now than anything.

It was the best game that came out at the time. And i wish people would stop heralding HL as the gaming messiah. We all know the next duke...nuk....nukem...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

prime time for TWA to swoop in and crash a success out of this.

this is garbage. why the hell is it here

suzuki g-strider son

and now i don't want a rift

WOW such art

how bout that saturn redline?

everything from FFIX. everything else sucks ass. ESPESCIALLY FFVII music. *drops the materia* im out


We don't need more dogs in any souls games. Damn you Capra / dog combo

Im not sure why people are gettting mad about this. Yeah it does not look like the video a year ago, but the game is still great looking and plays awesome. Fucking graphics snobs.

secret asteroid fragment.....wut

You forgot Star ocean the 2nd fucking savage

^this x100000000000000

I forgot about e-machines. worked at geek squad from 05-06 and those things were the worst quality pre built shit bet buy sold.

i hear ya brother. but bite on this....AMD k6-2 processor. more unstable than Lindsey lohan at a coke party.


Metal gear, the best worst story in the history of gaming....cept for resident evil.....and soul caliber.....