
We shall tell them how we put down the peasant and purified the non-gaben. GABEN BE PRAISED!

go on...

enable dark souls mode, kill the dogs last.

Every game ever. Someone will call every game the best game sometime somewhere. Except ET and Superman 64. Those abortions should stay forgotten.

Wut rngs u got bithc

I wish i could kiss you with a baseball bat for your post. *smooch*

halo is so damn generic.


yeah bitch!!!

God. Damnit.

great another "another zombie game" post

ah so you should follow this guide if you wanna see your costume on reddit and people laughing their ass off at you.

casuls you say?

damn i feel old, i recognize some of the names you listed. lol

It was you guys from westwood that made me want to make games. I worked at EA in 2008-09 on cnc3 and was my childhood dream come true. Thank you for CNC and all the projects you and the guys from westwood made.

did you like eating ramen for three months straight to pay for that monstrosity?

I miss westwood and fasa...FUCK WIZKIDS

light up eyes like a motherfucker