so it is a middle-manager and virgin's monument?
Same could be said for skyrim, and a lot of other games. stock textures and lighting are very low quality. And FROM Soft said that they know where they made mistakes and are aiming to fix them in DS2. rather than just hate on DS not having features by default just enjoy what the game can be on multiple platforms. On…
and someone will make a 2k/4k texture pack and we shall all bow down and praise gaben
holy shit we used to talk about this on the football field during practice
what is this?
The world is not good enough for the likes of you
thousands of years from now they will develop a language that will be able to describe the amount of NOPE you just put before us.
feeling threatened by that long barrel?
holy fuck i loved this game
but think of how the greys will look. call of grey the greyening, with brand new black and white mode DLC.
Thank you for saying this
hella....norcal represent