Broken Fantasy

I wasn’t calling you a shill, I was calling you a corporate apologist, because you’re championing the rights of a corporation over that of their consumers. Nintendo is not harmed, in any sense, by an unofficial grassroots tournament using a netcode mod for an ancient game they don’t sell any longer for a system they

Start doing anything more public and the lawyers get involved.

Yes I think it would take some significant contortions of logic and the imagination to demonstrate any sort of damages in this case. Still, as a big corp you can get a court to issue orders in your favor on the criminal side and win a suit on the civil side with some overinflated damages estimate the jury may or may

It’s more of a “fight it or don’t” thing. Pretending you didn’t get a C&D just means you get a second one and then a summons AKA “We’ll see you in court”. Once you’re summoned, you’re going to be threatened with paying for damages and legal fees. Provable damages in this case may not be significant (lawyers’ ability

Say you do it and Nintendo comes after you legally, do you really have the funds to combat a platoon of corporate lawyers? How much of your life are you willing to spend fighting this? What happens if you lose?

I'm pretty sure they were doing their own event, and Nintendo went after them anyways. 

Hello, welcome to the comment section, my name is PixelAviStupidName, and I love the taste of corporate boot leather. Saved you the time, you can stop scrolling now.

Me too.

Me too. Everyone talks about the gameplay of the Souls games, but one of the underrated aspects is the worldbuilding and the bonkers aspect of the world they created. You literally cannot predict what’s around the next corner. Sometimes it’s a swamp, and it will have the weirdest enemy types you’ve ever encountered.

instead of learning what they were doing wrong and improving and then having that feeling of immense satisfaction when you finally win.

It’s not ideal but it’s much better than not having the option. It’s also a little insane to suggest that subtitles in any way take away from a movie? If I understand them perfectly clearly, I’m probably not even going to notice the subtitles, and if I don’t hear them clearly, trying to figure out what they say would

The gamer bro who gets all pissed off about easy modes because it somehow tarnishes their own sense of superiority is indeed a special kind of toxic idiot.


How would adding an easier mode “fundamentally alter its balance” if you left the original difficulty in there as an option?

Here’s what I don’t understand. If you don’t want an easy mode, don’t play it. But why is me wanting to play an easy mode, hurting someone else, who wants to play at the regular difficulty? Is their e-peen that fragile?

Yeah I’m totally for an easy mode in Souls game but I get why a studio responsible for a simple remake wouldn’t want to enter that shitstorm.


This ones easy. Find out where relatives of Gamestop execs are buried and do the dance on their actual graves and send it in. Bonus points if you get a fake headstone with the still living execs names on it in the background.

So you think it’s cool for someone who doesn’t have any real interest in a product to basically push someone who does want the product out of line and then turn around and sell it for more money to the same person they pushed out in the first place?

You neglected to answer the first, and arguably most important, question when it comes to Vanillaware: how good does the food look?