Broken Fantasy

PS4 GoW really doesn't require any knowledge of the previous games to be enjoyed. I never played them and only knew that Kratos is a Spartan who became a demi-god and then killed ask the Greek gods. I don't think my limited knowledge took away any enjoyment.

If you haven’t played it yet, this game is absolutely worth the time.  Heck, even if you have played it it’s worth the time.  Easily one of my favorite games ever made.

I hope these workers get a win out of this. We should value these jobs, and more importantly put people’s lives ahead of profits and convenience.

They were all members of the Nazi party, because if you weren’t, you’d be deported. Source: my grandpa and my grandma.

The German Nazism of individuals during that time was on a range rather than absolutes. You weren’t simply a Nazi or not.

Some people disagreed with everything - hence the resistance.

Some people were

Wow. Dick move ABC.

This is as old as Reddit, but still lands

> One film annoyed many people because of conscious, purposeful decisions, whereas TROS has genuine mistakes and inconsistencies.

Sometimes they need BOTH.

You’re still describing something as being at fault just for being what it is.

No everyone experiences DIFFICULTY the same way, though. What’s easy for you is incredibly difficult for someone else, ESPECIALLY for gamers with disabilities.

Just to play devil’s advocate, there ARE easier versions of War & Peace and Ulysses. I mean, the author’s “original intent” was for you to read them in their native language; translating them into English makes them substantially easier for you to read them. And beyond that, there have been re-translations over the

There is no easy mode for hard literature, or abstract film, etc.

Unfortunately most of their brains can’t compute something as simple as “it’s a choice”.

I’m a big Etrian Odyssey fan, and the series used to also have just a regular difficulty. When they first added two (three?) lower ones in the remakes, I kind of balked and thought “what’s even the point?” But it’s such a great series with so much to offer that I wouldn’t want anyone to pass it up because it seems too

There was a time in my life where I derived pleasure from beating Call of Duty 2 on veteran. Now I have two kids, a wife, a job, a side business, and an hour a night to play games (if I’m lucky). So now I’m a content tourist. I want to see all the cool stuff, I don’t have time to “get good.”

I just will never understand people that will defend this game not having an easy mode.

I’ll be honest. All these responses to the effect of ‘maybe this kind of game isn’t for you and anyway there are plenty of other games’ sounds like someone complaining that we don’t need Braille books because maybe blind people should just accept that books aren’t for them.

Cats are a liquid, after all
(edit: argh Kinja)

Growing up, we had a cat who would basically switch from cuddleball to all-out warfare mode if you ever tried to do this, so I was always wary from that point on.

SOOOO ADORABLE!! They remind me of my little girl when I first got her!