Broken Fantasy

I think the big thing to establish is that she’s not obligated to reply, which I think we both probably agree on.

A lot of people are hesitant because they’re defensive over their own habits. People already guilty about how much they game now feel like they’re going to be judged as an addict. And rather than come to terms with whether or not they actually have a problem, or having empathy for those people that have a serious

Just accept the limitations

I don’t understand the idea that just because people have played games that feel more intuitive, older games feel jankier. Just accept the limitations and play games for what they are. Those limitations are often vital to the particular way things work in those games.

That makes a lot of sense. Third person fits wide open plains and sparse villages. First person accommodates the sense of scale and claustrophobia when you’re in a dense, grimy, and exceedingly vertical environment.

As much as I really don’t like first person RPGS (maybe it’s just Bethesda’s games that have turned me off to them), that’s a really good reason to go that route, and I respect that it was ultimately an artistic decision.

I’ll still hold out for a PC mod to make it third person, though, hehe.

Maybe he’s in Mementos. I can understand there.

The game is garbage, you know it’s garbage, but you just keep playing hoping all that money you spent on it will actually be worth it at some point even though you know it probably won’t.

I can see the logic behind this, but only if you’re able to “remember” or “learn” as the game progresses. Like, let’s say you have a potion - you aren’t sure if it heals a single status, all statuses, a variable amount of HP, a set amount of HP, all HP, or something else. I can see the logic with not telling you this