you’d have to use your fake tree for about twenty Christmases before it became a better environmental bet than a real tree. That’s bad news for most fake tree fiends, as the average lifespan for an artificial tree is more like six years
you’d have to use your fake tree for about twenty Christmases before it became a better environmental bet than a real tree. That’s bad news for most fake tree fiends, as the average lifespan for an artificial tree is more like six years
I wonder if there is a way to keep it hydrated? A tree branch would dry out even faster than a full tree.
I guess my first question would have to be about the quality of the pizza that these places served. If it was really bad, then they are doing a public service.
I refuse to fly coach/Economy or take a middle seat. I will happily pay a little more to do so. Econ Plus is where it is at.
Most of the women I’ve dated have used a Diva Cup.
Oh god. I should have the right to dump freezing cold water on anyone who tries to talk to me in the bathroom. Bathrooms should be a quiet place.
There are many things that I can fault people for doing in a public bathroom. Farting isn’t one.
Or how about they just sit. Is that so fucking hard? Alternatively, most offices have stand up urinals. Use the toilet for sitting and the urinal for standing.
Probably pretty standard:
At a company I used to work at, you’d find coffee cups by the sinks and on the backs of toilets in the washroom for the warehouse. We actually got rid of ceramic coffee mugs out of the lunch room because of this; that way the coffee cups could at least go straight into the garbage bin as no one wants to touch a coffee…
I hate the guys who think being a nice guy means they should get laid. You be nice because you like being nice, not because it’ll get you laid (though, it sure doesn’t hurt), but because it makes you feel good to be nice.
make a living will and medical directive, and establish medical and financial powers-of-attorney
My problem is that it is way harder to get people to commit to come over and hang out than meet up at a restaurant.
Anyone have a good deviled ham sandwich filling recipe?
He has run every business into the ground. I still don’t know how you bankrupt a casino. It should be the equivalent of just printing money.
The Republicans know there is election fraud because they are already doing it, so they assume the Democrats are doing it as well.
Art of Perfect Fried Rice
They should play this one more. Great song.
And it isn’t even a good song. Sure, it isn’t Christmas Shoes bad (listen to that at your own risk), but it sure isn’t good. The only reason this gets dragged out every year is because it is tolerable and radio stations feel the need to start playing Christmas music sooner and sooner each year, requiring more…
You’re the kind of person who complains about how we can’t call women ‘broads’ anymore.