
This was my thought. Frankly, I feel your tray and seat arms are a much bigger concern than the ice. I will be damned if I am going to drink room temperature ginger ale.

step one: call chinese take out place up the street. I make a decent fried rice, but theirs will always be better.

Or I can keep using one of these that I bought for like $10 years ago. Alternatively, you can buy a timer which cost less too. Not everything needs to be a ‘smart’ device.

Or I can keep using one of these that I bought for like $10 years ago. Alternatively, you can buy a timer which cost

Skip Home Alone. I can’t stand it.

I actually prefer to have the individual cables instead of the adapter setup for one very simple reason: you can’t charge multiple devices with this.

I actually prefer to have the individual cables instead of the adapter setup for one very simple reason: you can’t

They are making more Twilight Zone. I am quite excited.

In my family, we were raised to be civilized human beings. We still had a kiddie table. You know why? Because it is more fun to be able to sit with people that you have something in common with. The adults get to continue chatting and the kids get to hang out with each other instead of being spread out around the

I bet I could make basically the same meal for 12 people for under $100. I would throw in some roasted Brussels sprouts because they are fantastic that way.

I kind of figured you were trolling, but I actually hate the design of Maserati cars.

Let’s not call them anti-vaxers anymore. It is so negative. I think Plague Carriers is more accurate and predictive of their future.

I feel like it is dubious even in a discussion of racist terms.

Over the years, I think I have paid the grocery bills of 10 or 11 people. I don’t make a huge amount of money, but I am far from poor. I think the majority have been single moms or seemed like it. The most common thing that has gotten me to do it is seeing someone trying to figure out what they can put back because

Now I need to try this.

I love the smell of coffee, but it tastes like burnt crap. Over the years, I have had people who insist that coffee is some elixir of the gods serve me what they define as the perfect cup of coffee. I’ve had it with cream, with sugar, with chicory, with a square of chocolate melted in it, and with Irish whiskey. It

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Have you seen this interview of her? I now want to be besties with her.

Now playing

I love this woman. I came across this interview of her recently.

*Waves in Canadian*

Vaguely, but not very much. 

According to some commenters on here, we never went to the moon, the earth is flat, and vaccines give you autism.

What the USA needs is to send the Health Insurance companies packing and create universal healthcare like other countries have. The reality is that any services meant to serve the people of a country in a universal fashion shouldn’t be run as a for profit business. Healthcare, public transit, prisons, etc these