
Because we don’t want to get involved. When I was 22, I tripped a purse snatcher who was running from security, but I actually had time to think about it (a good 6 seconds) and he was going so fast that he didn’t hit the ground for 10 feet and I sprained my ankle.

There isn’t a Air Marshal on every flight. There are only about 4,000 USA Air Marshals while there are over 87,000 domestic flights in the USA every day. That puts the odds of there being an Air Marshal on any given flight less than 1 in 23.

It is possible to access the cargo compartments, but they are secured in such a fashion to make it a distinct challenge for anyone who isn’t part of the flight crew. Airbuses actually have a special cargo pod that is basically a hotel room for the flight crew. It is my understanding that they have to be placed in a

I’d take the lump sum and create a trust that simply pays me regularly with a reasonable portion locked away so that, if I fuck up, it is still there when I retire. $388 million, without any interest, is still $10 million a year for the rest of my expected life span.

I’d probably put it into more secure, lower interest investments simply because 4% interest would still produce more money that I could use, even if I was helping bank roll a couple local charities and buying a new house every year.

That is about the same as any of these groups. Take One Million Moms. I bet the majority of their money comes from a handful of rich assholes.

The icing on the cake would be if it turned out the voice actors were white.

She most likely wanted her own cubs to have the best chance in their environment. It was probably just that simple. 

And this isn’t that bad of a zoo. I was at a zoo in Tokyo and it was just depressing. Nothing was really being abused, but the spaces were just so wrong. 

Wow. TL:DR. Maybe you should limit your replies to quick and practical? This isn’t the essay portion of the test.

I dated someone a few years ago (who later stalked me) that had a little vapourizer that worked great. Had very little smell to it and was easy to use. I can’t seem to find it online right now, but I’m probably just looking in the wrong place.

Is it weird that I feel the double patty is excessive?

I should point out that Coke is in most of the vending machines in Japan. I saw it all over Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and all the way down to the south.

Everyone is talking about ‘never frozen’ beef these days. Does anyone actually give a shit if the meat in their fast food burger was frozen because I sure don’t.

I was there in September and it was still 32'C/90'F.

The fried chicken pieces you can get at corner stores like Family Mart and 7-11 are just as good, and I can pick up a couple beers and a salad to go with it at the same time.

Added to my google maps list.

Added to my list of places to eat next time I am in Tokyo.

I rarely buy the packs anymore. I just get the noodles and make my own broth with red or white miso paste, grated ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and sesame oil. It takes about the same amount of time for me to make.

When I was in Japan, I came across Cheese Curry Cup Noodle. I never got to try it. Totally regret it.