
She didn’t really miss out on anything. Fox Rogue was lame and terrible and basically had nothing in common with comics Rogue (except for name and base powers) and the actor playing her wasn’t going to make the slightest difference.

This is truly the King Ralph/Designated Survivor of Jeopardy! scenarios.

The closest living equivalent is Ryan Seacrest.

Johnny Gilbert is 93, so they hopefully use this fiasco as a learning moment 

We’ve really stopped creating gameshow hosts in the last 20 years, huh? The 60's-80's had so many good hosts who were pretty much only hosts and nothing else. Every gameshow host now is either a comedian or former news/sports broadcaster.

To be fair, Brett Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court and had all his debt paid off. 

Similar to my bafflement over the lack of a succession plan. They had 20 months between Alex’s diagnosis and death. They should have had a plan ages ago because of his illness, which has an average life expectancy of only one year. I get that Alex wanted to keep working until he felt he no longer could and perhaps it

What’s so weird to me - and I do have to give him credit for pulling this part of the move off - is how easily and successfully he rebranded himself as “the producer of Jeopardy!”, and how well that’s stuck. My generation will always know him as the host of “Beauty and the Geek” (i.e., kind of the epitome of what’s

It really blows my mind, I would like to somehow see the thought process. How do you have serious skeletons in your closet, see other people go viral and their skeletons from like 20 years ago come up and cost them everything.... Then decide to throw yourself in the spotlight to replace a universally beloved host.

It sounds like it was supposed to be Ken Jennings, but then enough people got upset over a few of his tweets that they thought it was too risky.

She made some really poor decisions, this is just one of them, she really seemed to be stuck on being a commercial LA actress and it bit her.  Can’t say I’m sorry about it, the wrong reasons were really apparent at the time.  I don’t mean to be mean but, shrug, we didn’t lose a Streep here.

but the entire ‘try out’ method was tainted from the get-go because of richards’ involvement.

I’ve been saying that for a while. He’s already got a better wardrobe than the CBSViacom costume department could come up with.

I always just assumed that, given the many decades they had to think about this, the brain trust behind Jeopardy had a codified line of succession similar to the British monarchy or the U.S. presidency. I thought they had a contingency for who would host Jeopardy if Alex, the announcer, the executive producer, and

At this point LeVar Burton is looking like the best option. He’s a beloved personality and veteran of three iconic TV shows. He’s never tweeted anything discriminatory or hateful. He’s not an anti-vaxxer. And he wants the job.

All he had to do was creep behind the scenes like the cockroach he is. But nope, he flew too close to the sun for that hosting gig and invited the scrutiny

Someone once suggested Paul F. Tompkins for host. We need to amplify this worldview as much as humanly possible.  

“Mike is leaving Sony to spend more time with his eight-figure severance package and his family.”

Cook says she wanted to “avoid acting on a green screen.”. Instead, she ended up acting on ‘no screen’.

I was gonna say “at least it mixes things up with an Asian dude” but then i remembered that “expat” probably still means a generic white european dude.