
From what I remember, he wasn’t doing old SNES games though. It was new switch, wii u, wii and gamecube games. Still easy enough to find online but you really can’t claim you’re doing it for preservation for most of those.

Here’s the thing about piracy. Like anything else, you can go around doing takedowns, or you can address what is clearly demand in such a way that encourages the potential customer to give you money.

Look, I'm as pro-game preservation / emulation as a force for good where the industry constantly fails as anyone. But the difference here is that he charged access to stolen property, and if I remember right from the last set of articles, made a couple hundred thousand dollars doing so. This is not the grey area that

Signing a legal deceleration that you’ve done something that you haven’t actually done is just going to put this dude in further legal jeopardy.

Nintendo: Stop pirating

Internet: Neener neener.

“Ok cool, let me just upload encrypted archives of these to an anonymous file hosting service somewhere else real quick first”

This comment section ought to go well. 

No... Just No... This was a bad rom site that charged for access. There is zero chance anything of value was lost. The effort this person put in was the bare minimum just to make some quick cash and they did it stupidly too, this is why they are being so badly burned by Nintendo on this. ANYTHING that was on this site

There are literally thousands of other sites hosting the same roms and the Internet Archive. It's going to be alright. 

And how on earth could they possibly enforce that?  This just sounds like empty posturing just for the sake of it.

[bald eagle being kept captive in LeVar Burton’s basement] CAW!

This may be why so many people wanted Levar. He’s not the least bit problematic. *crosses fingers*

Me: I want Levar, but as long as it’s not that anti-vax slut-shaming wacko Bialik I’ll be ok.

She wasn’t good. She gave an “I get that reference!” giggle at every pop culture question, and her contestant interviews were stiff. But I can see her doing specials like they seem to be describing.

Gonna be 100% honest here. I am going to torrent this.  I am going to pay the $20 for the ticket but the chances that my wife and I will be able to carve out time to watch it that night within the 4 hour time frame are slim.  Want to see it and give them my money but this very limited screening option is kinda

There’s a small minority of pirates who would never, ever pay for anything. And then there are the majority who feel prices are unreasonable ($30 for the POS Black Widow movie that’ll be free in 3 months lol) or access isn’t available (as in this case).  Data shows piracy boosts sales. It’s one of those weird economic

They didn’t used to. But then things got real when various beloved game studios folded (perhaps, but not provably, due to piracy). It’s a bit harder to believe that movie piracy could really have any effects on say, Disney, but maybe it could for smaller outfits like A24.

Oh god so much this, all this sailing the seas crap. You’re just downloading a file dude, it’s fine. 

shhhh for some reason we all pretend we don’t do that

Torrenters: “Hold my beer.”