
Yeah this game has the general sense of WANTING to be an immersive sim-Deus Ex game combined with the open world design of GTA or a Bethesda RPG, with the engaging story and characters of a Bioware RPG...but yeah, in trying to be everything it’s just...half-baked at all of them.

It’s exactly like Skyrim. Vanilla sucks. Mods will make everything so much better and more interesting.

Nothing about the game is “better” than the games it cribs from, though.

I really do like Cyberpunk and the open world, but I’d trade it in an instant for another Deux Ex game, especially if it finished Adam’s story. Hear that, Eidos Montreal? Get a move on!

i’ve been playing it on PC, which is apparently the only platform where it isn’t a disaster. pretty fun, good writing. i dunno, give it a year. i’m sure it will sort it’s shit out at some point.

The double jump is probably one of the single best upgrades to buy early if you want more options to get into places. Story missions seem to shy away from requiring high stat investment to bypass hazards or grant access to out of the way places, but gigs and side missions frequently do demand some skill levels to get

If CDPR does with Cyberpunk, what they did with Witcher 3, it will be Game of the year 2021.  It needs a lot of work, but there’s so much there that is so cool.

here’s the trick with the game. if you max out any one attribute you’ll become incredibly powerful in that category. the way the game is set up you can max out three attributes. so if you wanna be a netrunner obviously one of those will be intelligence. but you want the second one to be technical so that you can craft

pretty much all of the major problems with the game got ironed out with last night’s hotfix. patch 1.06 fixed two major problems. on PC if save files got over 8mb the save would become corrupted and on console the game crashed constantly. both of these problems were fixed. I played all night yesterday and didn’t have

I’ll have to ask him, but I think his point was that it has taken elements he’s seen before and has done them better or with more production behind them than others.

It’s good if you can play it on a decent PC. It’s overwhelming, in much the same way The Witcher 3 dumped a dozen different systems in your lap at once in the first couple hours from crafting to magic. Also like The Witcher 3, it kind of needs you to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy a game set in a world where

gun play with higher guns feels pretty good, and melee has been great.

I don’t know why you aren’t as the enemies sure as hell are able to do it.

My bestie who’s been waiting on this one basically summed it up as “Well, this is a Deus Ex that everyone will play at least”

As I’m hitting my 50 hours in the game, something that is really striking me is how clumsy the combat system is, made worse by the amount the game has it. Furthermore, as I decided to play a netrunner build, it is ridiculously OP the vast majority of the time to the degree that it actively breaks encounter design.

Something a friend (who’s playing it) and I (who’s not - yet, at least) discussed the other day was the idea of how much Cyberpunk is “an evolution of video games.” He seems to think so in terms of how he sees the polish (the level of detail, the available options of how to play, rpg elements, etc.), but then we

Well that’s a bit depressing, but considering CDPRs track record with the LGBTQ, Race and Depictions of women...I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.

Still not having completed it after 80 hours (and that’s mostly just from doing the actual gigs and not simply “assaults in progress” chaff) I do enjoy the game, definitely a 7-8, with some points it excels at. The way in which all playstyles are catered for, both the melee and firearms feeling powerful and effective

Oh here's the comment section of saints who only talk positively of all game systems lol. You people crack me up. And someone still tell me why I even need an xbox when my pc can do all that shit better.