
On a PS4 pro with a SSD, loading a save now roughly takes 8 seconds.

The ps3 version of the game actually loaded faster than ps4 before this patch. I speculate it was 100% an optimization issue, which they never took the time to address until they realized not even the ps5 ssd could handle how bad it was. 2 minutes to load the last of us is beyond crazy. That’s witcher 3/rdr2 territory.

Only a minute and a half? Normally I’d be like “that is an eternity to wait”, but I still have horrified memories of playing Fallout 4 (on PC!), transitioning out of a building, and being able to order a pizza, get the pizza delivered, and eat the pizza and still be on that loading screen...that did eventually load

I beat the remaster over ten times, I’m sulking over here. 

I would have appreciated this update a lot more when I was working through the platinum last year. 😅

Yeah, I’m waiting fer PS5 to play a New Game+ of Tsushima, and I already own God of War and Horizon but never took the time the play them yet. Makes waiting fer price drops on PS5 games easier when I have a backlog of PS4 games that’ll play better when I get the new console.

Yeah something tells me at minimum, Sony first party PS4 titles will be getting some nice PS5 patches. Sucker Punch already announced theirs for Ghost, but I’m guessing TLOU2, GoW, and Horizon will be right behind it. Kinda makes me glad I didn’t finish GoW or TLOU2 yet. And skipped Ghost entirely lol

It seems to me that one of Sony’s first party studios (or their R&D department) have come across a way to decrease load times without the need of an SSD, and are sharing that among the studios. Ghost of Tsushima was the first major example of that. A big open world that loads incredibly fast.

I’d love to know how this was achieved, have they moved some stuff out of the initial load and into the streaming load that ND games always have running in the background?

Yeah, that’s why I wouldn’t go back all the way. Shitty rhetoric is still shitty rhetoric. When a core tenet of your ethics, or ideology, or whatever, is “fuck everyone but me and mine,” that’s a problem whether you’re 15 or 50. And as much as “both sides” can get tribal, it’s friggin’ built into conservativism.


A Trump-supporting teenage kid with a rifle crossed state lines and murdered innocents who were protesting extrajudicial killing of black Americans.

It’s amazing that the takeaway is his political stance (which is a 50% chance a troll in itself) and not the arrogant, indifference that can come with using the internet, especially as a teen. I’ve been victim of this mentality and I’ve been behind this mentality, and I got to see my little brother do it too when he

“It concludes with an unrelated but unsubtle political message: “TRUMP 2020.”

“Loris said he’s a Trump supporter . . .”

They believe in freedom - specifically their freedom, and if that tramples on someone else’s freedoms, well, too bad!

The same people that argue being tolerant means you have to tolerate their intolerance. Classy bunch.

Ah yes, conservatives. The folks who champion personal responsibility until that responsibility is “don’t be a prick.” Then it’s everyone else’s fault for being annoyed or upset at their behavior.

Granted the only one of these we own is TT 2. Its a strange game, and not just because it’s a punishingly hard motorcycle sim. The visuals and menus are plain weird. It runs well and works but it almost feels like the entire game is held together with the programming equivalent of duct tape. We could see it having

If you don’t own or haven’t played Shadow Complex, you really need to. It’s arguably one of the best games of the 360/PS3 era and the remaster was phenomenally executed.

It might be something as simple as all these games have gaps between their polygons, they work on the PS4 but when rendered on the PS5 they are bleeding causing visual artifacts.

Hitman Go Fuck Yourself