
I did the same once it showed up on Gamepass and I’ve had a couple of sessions that went like Zack described (ie, a pretty decent approximation of an actual Fallout game) and a couple of sessions where a higher level player would follow me around and kill everything before I could kill it or follow me into combat and

No Man’s Sky is the only game that I’ll let stay in the ‘pretty good, now’ category.

Didn’t read the article, but it sounds like they got rid of multiplayer.

When the core gameplay mechanics are the problem—if I wanted an online experience, Fallout 76 doesn’t offer a compelling one for the price, and if I want an offline/solo experience, I’ll play Fallout 4—then they can dress it up however they like, it’s not going to be something I have any interest in playing.

So after almost two years after release the Fallout game is now an actual Fallout game lol. I’ll keep playing Outer Worlds instead as even the “good” Fallout game this gen was just average to me 

Fallout 76 isn’t a bad game at this point. That it took as long as it did to get to this point and after a lot of the things Pete and Todd trumpeted ended up being BS (private servers, atom store would only be cosmetic, etc) weighed heavily on the initial (and largely still) on the overall perception of this game.

I’ve never played one. Not even Skyrim. I guess all the complaints have kept me away. I am tempted to play Skyrim though, someone gifted it to me on PC years ago, non-def edition. Then they lowkey implied I had to play it, so I dropped them, and never installed it.

“Free DLC for life”: Microtransaction CAMPs.

Gave it a shot on Game Pass, had to wait a while for it to download because the file size is enormous. Turned out I ended up playing it less time than waiting for that download. As a single player experience it’s still not even at the level of Fallout 4 yet, even with their poor effort of jamming human NPCs in.

The One Wasteland rebalance is great for low-level players and doesn’t really change things for high-level players, but it kind of sucks for mid-level players.

Now kids today get to experience the same thing. They have the web though so they at least can find some tips and guides.”

If you can time your ollies you can give yourself some momentum, either way it’s a colossal bitch.

Well, I loved reading this review, but I also don’t have any real interest in flight simulators.

I think the reason this piece is getting trashed is because it’s a thoughtful critical look at GAAS as the intrusiveness or Cloud gaming, which is fair—but it doesn’t serve as a very effective review of Flight Sim 2020. Would have been more fair and sensible to include this is a preview or simply an article about

Still waiting to see if Crackdown 3 delivers on its cloud computing promises!

I know articles on this site have a tendency to turn into rambling blog posts (which isn’t always a bad thing), and I’ve more or less adjusted my expectations accordingly. Even considering that, this article isn’t a review, it’s a joke.

I’m sorry... where’s the game review? 


Amazing how deep dives into MS and its “intentions” on a game review seemingly always creep in but these same games journalists fawn over everything Japanese hyper-capitalists do like anti-consumer Nintendo just did with a bogus limited timed release on a physical/digital game of a lazy upscale.

The author even LIES

Thank you for the Grasberg Mine review.