
They NEVER despawn in Fallout 4. Dead ghouls, supermutants, raiders, whatever....You’d think that at least in a ghoul community, they’d have eaten some of them, but noooo...damned dead body is still there, months later in game time! Most of them, you can’t even drag out of the way!

This, and also the fact that you sometimes reclaim a farm or village, discover that people have moved back into it.... and there’ll be a house with a section of the roof on fire.

I’m finally playing Assassin’s Creed Origins (yes, not the last one, but the one before that). One of the things I noticed is that after a battle, left over enemies take their fallen comrades into their camps instead of leaving them lying around. Never seen that in any game before.

This stands out the most for me when the headless corpses of the villager’s friends/family are hanging from trees in the middle of the village while they do their laundry underneath.

It seems like most of the arguments in that video could be applied to the left as well. Just flip the target audience around. Alt-right groups target white, cisgender, heterosexual males. Liberal groups target non-white, LGBTQ+ men or women. Both groups have zero tolerance for opposing political views and resort to

I apologize beforehand for talking politics here but this can’t be allowed to grow any more with ill timed poorly researched games like this one.

I dunno, I like shooting things in video games. I think I’m pretty left wing. I pop into the COD series from time to time. Thought not too frequently since the people at Respawn left Infinity Ward.

I was not aware of this trailer’s real historical connection to the absolutely stupefyingly stupid idea of Cultural Marxism. Pieces like this is why I read Kotaku. Thanks, Ian!

This article isn’t about the game and the role Bezmenov plays in it.

I think the key difference with the original Infinity Ward games is that they were careful to always avoid going simply “Russia bad, America good”.

This is an article about the advertisement for the game.

There is an old Communist joke. “We will sell the capitalists the very rope we use to hang them.” This is almost exactly what we do with China. When the corporations sided with the GOP in the 80s the US Christians were relieved. They thought they had an ally for God, Family, and Country. So relieved they never

We don’t block footage of 9-11. That footage is all over YouTube. Whether it’s a little tasteless to show a few hundred real-life people dying in your game’s trailer is perhaps a different question, but there’s no legal reason you couldn’t do it, and the USG isn’t gonna ban your game from distribution if you did.

A reminder for those who are upset is that this is just Capitalism being Capitalism.

Capitalism wants all the money in the world, and you don’t get all the money in the world if you don’t do business with—and in—China. So if you want to be a good Capitalist and not let billions of dollars sit on the table so that your

This is the Chinese government’s MO. It’s not enough to censor media in China -- they demand censorship across the globe. Shame on Activision for once again caving to tyrants to make a few more bucks.

They didn’t pancake him. He wasn’t run over. There’s footage of the event. The guy got out of the way of the tank before it ran him over. But the enduring image is a lot more powerful. 

Yep. Considering that Tencent holds much greater interests with companies and studios that have been even more “anti-China,” this bit about blaming them for every bit of “censorship” needs to taken out back and shot.

Fuck the CCP

Dude, Neo literally comes back from the dead for no good reason in movie 1. We all got the Jesus thing right away.

Hell, if I have a problem with the sequels is that they toned down Neo a lot. He’s supposed to be in full control, not just... Superman. But hey, hard to franchise omnipotence, I get it.

I also don’t think

I stopped playing Far Cry New Dawn because I really couldn’t stand it. Every time I met an NPC, they just went on and on and on with dialogue that was so atrociously bad I would have had more fun hitting by balls with nettle.