
I agree with you. Both Sony and Microsoft have tested the waters with digital only systems and the market shrugged. I doubt GameStop will be around by the end of 2021 and every store sells PSN/Live/Now/Gamepass cards anyway so that even in a barren backwoods, you can get currency for your system without having to

SAME! This thing looks like an actual unique product. Fuck the haters. 

Hell yeah! My console collection has enough boring black boxes in it. This shit is many things, but boring isn’t one of them.


Fuck this headline. I love it.

It would have been great released right after New Vegas. But in 2019 it’s (was) just, I dunno, i didn’t really feel anything at all playing it after the first hour or so. I slogged through and never really cared about the story or characters. I was glad when it was over. 

Oh, whoops. Yeah that’s what I meant. 


eeeeh...I feel like we’ve done this dance so many times that it’s near automatic.

“ooooh, this might be time when Nintendo is in trou—oh, nah they’re fine.”

NIntendo has spent the better part of the decade finding itself as the “second console” for most gamers. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that most people

I bet the guy on the right has no personality though. 

Doom 2016 taught me that just because a game can run on a Switch doesn’t mean it should.

Yeah I was gonna say this. It didn’t look that good on the systems it was made for and ran like it was optimized for about 10 minutes before someone said “that’ll do, ship it!” (as much better looking games run much better on my Xbox than outer worlds did).

It doesn’t look great, but neither did Witcher 3 on switch and I’m assuming plenty of people are willing to make that sacrifice to play it on the go. I’m not one of them, but I feel like as long as anyone knows what they’re getting into, they’ll be happy with it.

Call it cynical but in reality no sane American marketing people goes, “America is burning, now is a perfect time to release PS5”.

Why are you changing the subject? This has nothing to do with the Bulls or the Cubs, and you know it. This is the most disingenuous bullshit excuse for an “argument” that I’ve ever heard.

If for some reason you want to see some real trash-ass takes on this, go ahead and check the tweet about it. Hoo boy.

This is how the PS4 subreddit looks right now regarding the announcement.

The protesters aren’t looting... others are. 

The idea that anyone would be upset by this is absurd to me. It’s a delayed announcement, for the love of god. One of the many myopic asswipes complaining about this on PlayStation’s twitter feed proclaimed that Microsoft would never do such a thing and is only buying XBox from now on. Which is both a hilarious idea

I’m not counting my chickens. White people seem to have to repeatedly be reminded of their own humanity if they want to actually contribute to stopping systemic racism without hijacking the pedestal. As long as apathy among the majority thrives, change becomes a fever dream.