
a demons souls remake would make me a day one adopter.

Congrats! Oddly enough, I just found mine today after two attempts where I saw one online, went to do some chores, refreshed the page and found the Switch to be out of stock.

I would have loved to get the Animal Crossing edition but I settled for the Neon Joy-Con out of sheer scarcity.

Four Switches just...sitting there...on the shelf…out in the open as if they weren’t the hottest commodity behind Purell and common decency in the executive branch”

One for the house, one for the yacht, another for the pool house... 

Nope, they confirmed in 2018 that they’re making another remake:

I’ve said it trice already... move or order one from Sweden if you want to guarantee one...

On the rocky shoals of Sony’s obsolete/discontinued hardware coastline.

I’m confused by this part:

PSO2 will be a PS5 launch title lol.

Unless it’s Demon’s Souls or MGS1 (does Konami care enough to even answer the emails from Sony’s legal team inquiring about the licensing rights?), I would like to see BluePoint given the opportunity to develop an original title.

If white is the default controller color, then I suspect the launch PS5 will be white as well.

Stop the press: if there’s a Demon’s Souls remake I might lose my mind.

Cool, you’re decidedly in the minority however. That game sold gangbusters and did very good numbers with critics and fans alike. Especially the Spider-Man fans I know, of which I am one.

In retrospective the first presentation was not aimed at the public but for developers. It was their Game Developers Conference (GDC) presentation that was cancelled.

Finally! What are you working on for the PS5 for the past 2 years?!? Demon’s Souls remake? MGS1 remake? Killzone 2 remake? What is it!?!?

Excited! Hope it won’t be as boring as the Xbox presentation. lol

It is way less tedious, but it’s not the full Souls experience until you’ve stood at the bottom of a bridge plinking arrows into a dragon’s tail ;)

Mother of god... Turns out the pandemic isn’t the biggest catastrophe this year! RIP TLoU.

After reading this article, I sought out the spoilers and now having read what happens, I cannot wait to play this game!

If they’ve lost players at all, that’s irreparable harm - because those players (and whatever revenue stream was connected to them) are gone.