
That, I can confirm. I ran through a boss fight twice, once solo and once in a party of three. When I was running solo I managed to scrape through hit got SLAUGHTERED on the co-op. It doesn't help that the game scales to the highest level player. But other times when it hits the right notes it's the perfect challenge

I’d been seeing ads on Facebook for this for a few months which - since my Facebook is generally filled with ads that are straight up lies for mobile games that do not exist - was not a particularly encouraging sign. That said, I’d been craving something new and figured what the hell and grabbed it over the weekend

Yes it’s co-op is much “friendlier”, being only co-op, and if you die you spectate until your makes it to a “checkpoint”, this games bonfires, and you never get disconnected even after a full party wipe, so you can die 100 times against a boss and go right back in with your friends again after you all respawn. It’s

Definitely one of the unexpected gaming highlights of 2019 for me.

No, this is on the Resident Evil end of “survival”. Your bullets and healing items are limited and must be carefully managed, and you can be crippled by harmful status effects, but there is no hunger or thirst mechanic or anything like that.


Let me know when he kills the lake monster with a door.

Season 3 was awesome if only because the “supporting” cast totally took over the show. The original cast is great, but they’re all irritating in their own special way now and have far too much plot armor. Steve/Erica/Robin/Alexei forever!

That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought about it like that. 80s teen villains don’t typically get redemption arcs like that.

Poor Steve. He can´t catch a break.

That’s part of why Steve has become my favorite character in the entire series. Everything he does goes against typical 80's film tropes once he does his face turn in season one. He’s every 80's rich jerk jock if they ever took a moment to actually think about what the fuck they’ve been doing. After that, he makes up


This makes sense as something the Duffer Bros didn’t come up with because “the former jerk white guy DOESN’T get the attractive girl because she’s gay” is about the only thing in here that actively plays against 80s movie tropes. I was surprised to see it not because it doesn’t make sense (it absolutely does and I

Three spinoffs I want to see happen.

I also disagree; the parting shot of the Mind Flayer at the end of Season 2 was to show it was trapped in the Upside-Down but burning for revenge. It was able to come back simply because a new portal was open.

Another alternate reading could be that Will is asexual or aromantic.

Major plot questions:

Come now, weren’t you alive in the 80's? It was ALWAYS the Russians, those Godless commie bastards. 

Don’t forget about Hammerlock’s 186 hours of boring ass fights with nigh-invincible monsters. Some of whom can one shot snipe you to to death from max visual range even when they have to arc the shot over buildings you’re behind. Hated that one the most. Scarlett was dumb and lacked the titular booty I was actually

Thanks for taking the time to transcript this! for those of working while reading (hit deploy, idle for 2-3 minutes while reading this, check the build), your work is a godsend.