
I disagree.

Despite what popular culture tells you, most men aren’t just looking for a woman to bang, they’re looking for someone that they can connect and form a romantic relationship with

I feel like she’d find more willing and actually able FWB guys someplace like Tinder though? I dunno, she’s really chasing a unicorn here. Like I said, no matter what culture tells you, guys are going to get attached to her if she’s got a good personality and is good looking.

The thing is, people think of casual dating as some kind of low level dating, but really, it’s expert level dating. You can’t have a casual relationship unless you know yourself, your expectations, and your boundaries very, very well.

Long story short: double-standards and Madonna-Whore syndrome. Guys grow up being taught that they’re horny beasts and should fuck as much as possible, women grow up being taught that they shouldn’t want sex, definitely shouldn’t have it except under very specific circumstances and women who try (or do) have sex like

Easier and healthier for ‘you’. The ”what could have been” and other feelings that you describe are only in ‘your’ head if the other party doesn’t think/feel the same way as you. Not saying your doing anything wrong or stupid but I can help but reiterate the irritatingly true, everybody is different you do you.

>I 100% axe someone

Can’t tell if that’s a joke.... 

I was going to go 1000... that might still be too low.

As someone from the outside looking in (read: I am gay af), it baffles me how terrible straight people are at casual sex. Like dudes are successfully boinking each other every other minute on Grindr, but Tindr comes out and it’s a hellscape of catfishing and potential sexual assault. That’s not to say bad things don’t

In before 400 eager posters start saying they’ll help her...

It’s funny how we forget that as we complain about micro transaction. At least these are OPTIONAL. The other option for game makers is to raise the going rate to $70 or more.

The kind of games that are hurt by only being $60 are the kind of games that can’t afford to price themselves full price, and the kind of games that could easily benefit from being cheaper (i.e. games that sell in the 5+ million range, effortlessly), are always the kind that cost $60, and have producers claiming they

The real problems are games are expensive to make, huge financial risks, and gamers lack the will to avoid these things

I partially disagree - whilst horror has always been a large part of Twin Peaks it was many, many other things as well, and celebrated love and joy and taking pleasure in the simplest things. Redemption was also a big element, so I was kind of hoping for a happier ending. Or at least not one quite as bleak as we got.


Probably a good thing in the current climate that they changed Manji’s swastika on the back of his outfit. Man, I wanna see Blade of the Immortal.

Unfortunately true. And until those currently in the field can unionize/guild/whatever for their right NOT to be treated like slaves, sucked will always leap into their places.

That is why the game companies are able to get away with shitty conditions. Don’t like it? OK, there’s a line of suckers for your position (

The full title is “Should You Quit Your Current Non-Games Related Job To Pursue A Different Career In One Of The Many Various Roles Involved In Making Video Games, Be It Design, Art, Marketing, Operations, Production, Or Many Others” but it got shortened in editing.

Seems like he excels at Excel