
I know people who have worked for her directly too, including current coworkers. I dated a former bodyguard of hers as well. No one I’ve known had anything remarkably positive or negative to say about her.

I am beyond baffled at why it is so hard for folks to believe that Ellen was probably largely ignorant to the workings of the day to day on her show. There are likely 100s of employees that work on the Ellen Show on a bazillion different things, many of which would not even vaguely touch production, and the likelihood

Seeing some comments defending the humorous intent of the Rob Reiner transition. Let’s be clear - everyone got the joke. The problem is the joke was rooted in a stereotype, and it wasn’t funny. Joking that one should assume a white person with money supports the current Republican party means you are implying that

I mean, I get the joke about McPhee looking Republican, but why the snark with Rob Reiner? It weirdly seems to imply that there aren’t a ton of rich white liberals out there, which is just straight up false. If anything, it’s so common that it’s a stereotype in Hollywood. Being anti-Trump and GOP on twitter is not

I’ve seen first hand just how hard it has been on the bodies of my close friends, from the one who was put on bed rest for nearly 6 months from extreme hip and back pain to my bestie since childhood who told me all about her ice pack socks for her swollen feet in our last call. Not every woman’s body handles pregnancy

Let’s also be crystal clear - statutory rape is HIGHLY normalized between older male creators and younger actors. HIGHLY HIGHLY NORMALIZED.

If you’re a female who has even dipped a toe into the acting world, especially if you started young like Winslet, it’s not hard to imagine why it took her longer than it seems like it should have from the outside to get here. Abusive behavior from creators and directors in theatrical circles is extremely normalized

Seems like she ultimately decided she couldn’t continue forward with someone who did not share her ethics and values and live her life turning a blind eye to it. Good for her - many others are not able to do that. I’m sure it was a painful choice on a lot of levels. 

Thank you. I’m absolutely horrified at the amount of positive press she has received for her speech. Any shred of basic decency present in the words was immediately undone by her claims that her husband is helping people and actually cares about them. At least call it what it is - a speech that, unlike the rest of the

I think you are on to something here. At some point, the cheeto has to feel like this is problematic for him and cut ties, though it’s unclear to me what the line is with this sort of “soft” stuff - sometimes he seems to welcome it or at a minimum just not care. Either way, having this couple exit political discourse

Right? In the world of failed attempts by celebrity to help these days, this doesn’t rank for me.

I agree this isn’t one of the clips where she has clearly refused his hand, but at a minimum, this is not how a happy couple handles this situation, and that’s probably more his fault than hers. Imagine Barack and Michelle Obama in this exact predicament. Michelle probably would have mentioned she was struggling, they

That and a lot of “restructuring” and furloughs sadly. I work closely with a number of people at Disney in my job and most of my contacts have been furloughed for 4+ months now with no end in sight.

I am not sure this is accurate. From what I can find, there was a Florida Tourism roundtable hosted by Pence and DeSantis that many Tourism vendors attended including Universal AND Disney. It was definitely not hosted by Universal. I do not know if Pence or DeSantis also went to the re-opening of the Universal park

Disney opening wasn’t the result of political pressure. Park revenue floats way more of Disney’s cashflow than you would think. Does that mean Disney isn’t making any money? No, but between the park being shut down and no major movies or TV being released or in production, the hit is massive. Even TV episodes that do

The tone of this article is strangely and unnecessarily conspiratorial. Don’t we have enough crazy theories going around these days without adding one that implies Taylor Swift purposefully targeted and copied a small black business by having a vaguely similar logo on some sweaters? This makes absolutely no logical

This is silly. Movies aren’t dead! People still love movies and want to see them. The pandemic is just forcing the industry to modernize, which it has needed to do for a LOOONG time. Speaking from the semi-inside, a lot of the problems within the theatrical movie industry are due to exhibitors being unwilling to

YUP. The communication default style I perceive in a lot of people (wonderful people I love, mind you!) is to take the nuggets people share with them and send them the through the “what would I do” filter even when you didn’t ask for it. It’s not how my mind works at all and it’s pretty boring to be on the receiving

This. I am a sag sun with a lot of additional planets in sag. There’s a difference between making impulsive decisions and making independent decisions without external input. I do the latter. They call it impulsive, I call it none of their business.

I think a lot of this is a class issue too. I grew up lower middle class in a diverse suburban/nearly urban neighborhood, and most of the white people I know in addition to myself from childhood have at least some amount of inherent distaste and suspicion of police that is different from white people who grew up in