Disagree, its that freaky “perfectly straight across” hairline.
Disagree, its that freaky “perfectly straight across” hairline.
Actually you are undoubtedly the jerk in this situation.
What? We don’t have an official language, people can speak whatever language they want in public.
Go to London, you’ll hear 10 different languages in a single block. We live on a globe, not some kind of bubble cities encased in glass and should stay the same forever.
You don’t know what shapes are, do you?
Christ dude, that is not how you respond to constructive criticism. You’re a professional for god’s sake. Act like it. That type of behavior is extremely childish.
Wow. This was a completely unwarranted reply.
Not trying to sound like a jerk but there may be no other way to put this. A job at Kotaku is essentially a reporter job, and you can’t leave something out just because you don’t like it. The majority of us visit this site for gaming news, not opinions. The final mission is a part of the story whether you liked it or…
Does he love it though? I don’t think you think about quitting something you love day in, day out while having to force yourself to do it in the first place. It sounds like he’s an addict, doesn’t want to admit that to himself or anyone, uses this “drive for recognition” as a veil to press on with his addiction, and…
This is a 100% accurate take.
I’m sure this was meant to be some kind of “interesting story of gaming achievement” article but it really just made me feel sorry for his family who are having to put up with this and support him financially to do this, especially as Bahrain has a fairly basic welfare program that stops after only a few months.
But not so mature that you won’t say “SJW” with a straight face.
For fucks sake, get Erik Shilling off this blog.
Oliver Stone presents the “Un Chien Andalou” reboot.
Spare yourself. Don’t watch the conference. You won’t learn anything you don’t already know about Trump and his world view.
I figured out Stern’s trick. He’s a terrible listener, but an okay interviewer. He pelts his guests with a constant stream of incorrect assumptions, baseless inferences, and projected neuroses and then many of them get so caught up in correcting him that they end up giving fairly revealing answers. It’s a weird…
Man, you just had to shit all over movies as a medium to make your point? ‘Lesser format’? ‘Simpleton’? Yikes.
Wonder if the snitches got Switches.
Because he was clearly trying to groom her and got emotionally abusive. Seriously, this is not a hill worth dying on
Deadspin on NFL knockout hits: This is morally reprehensible, and blood is on all of our hands.
Heathcliff Huxtable being a “gynecologist” with his “office” in the basement of his home should have tipped us off that he had a sex dungeon that whole fucking time too.