Bro Hammer

Because if you say nothing, the person or company won't know they did anything wrong, and they'll do it again. If everyone who complained about the U2 album stayed silent, Apple would have followed up with some other album. Or some app. Or some collection of content. Do you really think Apple should be in the business

So because it's not as important as people in third world countries not having clean water, nobody should mention it at all?


I didn't spasm at the potty training part, but I did (and will continue to) spasm whenever I encounter a "mommy blog." So self-absorbed, smug, and stupid. I'm glad she fulfilled her dream of doing something her body (and every other woman's body) is innately designed to do, but some of us have less predictable, more

All I read was how she tried to delay potty training and my brain had a spasm

We have somehow managed to devolve into a species of cynical whiney noise-makers. All the complaints that I have read on here have been worthless.

I was kinda hoping for "Mission Dolores Park Bench"