MK3 and UMK3 were the first games i ever bought on day 1. My mom drove an hour to toys r us before it opened to make sure we got a copy of the game. A lot of good memories playing that.
MK3 and UMK3 were the first games i ever bought on day 1. My mom drove an hour to toys r us before it opened to make sure we got a copy of the game. A lot of good memories playing that.
Having up to 6 abilities is plenty, sure some could end up being passive but that entirely depends on the way you play the game. Ive been in the top 50 leaderboards for wizard and dh on hardcore seasonal pc and the balance and design is quite impressive when you take into account that each class has multiple builds…
My dog used to jump a lot when I came home from work. I got advice from a dog trainer to basically ignore her until she sits, worked like a charm after a few times.
Cal-Main had MANY players that got caught toggling. Source: 6 years playing in CAL
Honestly it allows for more big plays. In LoL it’s nearly impossible to outplay another heroes ability with timing. Everything is instant. You have 1/16th of a second to react for most abilities. In Dota a hero can blink on you, and if you’re quick, you can get that sheepstick or orchid off. The timing from different…
you’re definitely in the minority on that one. All the characters can be completely customized and honestly it looks MILES better than SF5 and the new MVC game coming out. I’d say the facial animations actually even put it above Tekken 7.
I never got around to playing the first xenoblade chronicles on Wii, but I did play the rather excellent The Last Story, and everyone everywhere wouldn’t stop saying “oh if you liked The Last Story then you will LOVE Xenoblade Chronicles!
I’m fairly certain (99.9999%) that although the level 3 helmet has a shield over the front of it, all 3 helmets protect the head, including the face. I believe this was confirmed fairly recently in testing.
I poop on deadshot players with Ivy. Ivy is probably the grossest long-range zoning character in the game right now.
Despite the age restriction you have to admit this is really cool to see. I’m 28, wife is 25 but her brother and sister are 15 and 17. They were over at my house a few weeks ago and my wife was playing twilight princess, a game featuring a protagonist they HAD NEVER SEEN. This is a generation who’s definitive shooter…
I got about 35 hours into it when I just couldn’t play any more. The combat system was neat but the really vague story and boring characters just couldn’t do it for me. This was the first game in the series I had played, so maybe I just didn’t understand what I was getting into. I really enjoyed The Last Story, but I…
There hasn’t been a good final fantasy game for a really long time now. I don’t have high expectations for this.
Even if the game is average, if it’s filled with stuff like this then I’ll definitely enjoy it.
this game has some serious potential,probably the most exciting thing for me that I’ve seen from E3 this year.
This game looks like it’s taking itself less-seriously than its predecessor. I’m okay with this.
I think this is the most exciting thing I’ve seen at E3 in awhile. The possibilities with this game format are endless.
Hmmm, I played the remake of this on the PSP back in 2008 and I remember enjoying it for what it was. Is it massively different than the original in terms of mechanics?
Pharah masterrace reporting in!
I think the mark of a well-written character is that the story has the same impact without changing the gender. I feel this way about Tomb Raider. Sure, Lara Croft is a woman, but you could take the story and mechanics of the last two TR games and put a male protagonist in it and I would still enjoy it just as much.…
My wife got into hearthstone streaming last year. She’s a pretty tough person, and has some very thick skin. She’s a blonde-hair blue-eyed nurse who worked at a male correctional center, and nothing any of those guys said made her bat an eye and she was comfortable putting inmates in their place when they stepped out…