

Yeah, well they need to fill their coffers with something in order to be able to afford taking chances on higher concept shows. Tosh will never be as good as Review, but I doubt Review even exists if it wasn't for Tosh.

Sorry, I can't fully agree with that. There is absolutely no way L&O lasts as long as it did without Lenny Briscoe and Jack McCoy (Jerry Orbach and Sam Waterston). The reason it thrived is because they were able to surround these two powerhouses with competent actors playing within their roles.

Whatever you say. I thought Studio 60 was brilliant. The reason it got completely buried is because it came out at the exact same time as 30 Rock, and nobody needed two shows about "behind the scenes life at SNL" even if the two shows couldn't be more different and both excellent in their own right.

They are just looking to justify paying entirely too much for HBO.

If you want Sorkin at peak performance, but with a little more tugging at the heartstrings, I would watch An American President. Whenever that's on TV, it sucks me in.

After all, it is a chronicalling of their rise to power.