Salad Peasant

Cool with slavery. The guy had every chance to say “hey, maybe don’t own people”. He certainly went on plenty of idiotic rants on other subjects. But he didn’t do that. Every time the topic came up, he was at worst neutral toward owning other people. Luke 7:9 is where he “marveled” at the Centurion’s ability to

I don’t think that I ever suggested that there was any altruism involved...

Luke 7:2, Luke 12:46-47.

As much as I do not like the Catholic Church (that is a lot, by the way), and as badly as they’ve handled the sex abuse committed by its clergy, I don’t really find much fault in this particular action.

Hardly “individual instances” when they’ve been happening frequently for the better part of 2000 years. The problems with Christianity aren’t even limited to the bad behavior of many of its members. Its beliefs are pretty hopelessly screwed up and insane. That bad behavior from Christians isn’t even more common

...That’s what religions are.

Relative privation, course. If you call out the Christians for behaving badly, expect to hear all about the shitty stuff Muslims get up to. If you call out the Muslims, they’re happily tell you about how the Christians are at least as bad. Why address your own bad behavior when you can just point the finger at

Nah, the New Testament is pretty crap too. Jesus was cool with slavery, Paul was a misogynistic and homophobic prude. Hell was introduce then, and it’s possibly the most immoral concept ever. There was also that time when Jesus told people that they’re actually supposed to follow the laws of the Old Testament (but

No one thinks to question an actor’s common sense if they turn out to be a Catholic

Ponzi-style organizations that prey upon weaknesses and broadly use shaming techniques to instill obedience in members.

Why would I respect ridiculous ideas? If people want to believe them, I’m perfectly content to continue allowing them to in relative peace. But I can’t imagine why I would owe any level of respect.

“batshit theology” is just a redundant phrase.

Scientology is crazy as shit. But I don’t see why it’s any crazier than any other set of beliefs in the supernatural. It just doesn’t enjoy the acceptance of society that many others do.

No shit. Aside from the entire issue of whether or not a candidate is electable in the first place (Hillary has her issues, but has a good chance, Jill does not), Jill is basically half a step up from sandwich-board-on-a-street-corner-raving at this point.

Responding to criticism with “hey, look at the crappy stuff this other person did!” is always a shitty and weak strategy. It’s fallacious and pathetic when you do it, it’s fallacious and pathetic when they do it, and if anything it’s even more fallacious and pathetic if you whinge about how they do it too in order to

Yeah no. That quite literally it not a crime.

couldn’t have happened to a nicer cunt.

Yeah. I could actually see that being somewhat successful. Sort of like throwing a dinner party, but with a whole lot of assistance. I love to cook, and I’m quite good at it. But planning out a large meal from scratch, especially if I’m working alone and in a less-than-commercial kitchen is totally stressful. Also,

So the losers in a frivolous lawsuit are left holding the bill? Yeah, that’s how that typically works. Whatever trauma they have suffered doesn’t carry any weight in this situation unless they can demonstrate that the theater is liable. That very clearly did not work out, and the suggestion that this is unprecedented

Don’t be ridiculous. Expecting someone to be logically consistent with their paranoia is absurd.