
I don't think you actually know what "doxxing" is.

Between this and the "Racistsgettingfired" Tumblr I must say I'm thankful that folks are finding modern ways to fight injustice.

Truly, I have to watch the whole thing soon when I have time, so far it's been amazing.

This reminds me so much of my days on Speech Team in highschool. So overwrought.

Since apparently Gawker doesn't give a shit about banning bigoted trolls using this story as an opportunity to call Jennifer an "it" over and over and smirk about BIOTROOFS and other bullshit, here's hoping that Jezebel and ROYGBIV are better at putting these miserable fuckers in their places.

Your arguments are thin and obnoxious. I live here, and perhaps the one Klan photo might not be real (I don't have a source), but they've been recruiting and showing up at Darren Wilson rallies with their insignia and the photos have been happily spread all over the Facebooks of the open carry and Tea Party

Police quotas are nominally illegal but they still exist as does the general spirit of focusing on nice, quantifiable numbers of arrest as a marker for police effectiveness. A quick google search can back me up on that, so I'm not going to talk about it anymore. If you actually want to discuss the point of my post

My CAT has done me worse..

We can never know what happened. The police made damn sure of that.

Oh my god, you're one of those people who thinks you're SO smart for playing Devil's Advocate. Honey, good try, but this isn't your time to shine. "You guys weren't there so like...maybe you don't know what happened." WOW. Brilliant!! Never heard that one before! A child died and you have the nerve to pretend you're

No, what he committed was a misdemeanor. Also, Officer Wilson did not know about the shoplifting incident when he stopped him. The Police found out about that later from Mike Brown's friend. Why do people keep forgetting that? Jesus!

The way situations play out can not be explained in words. You have to be there to know what was truly happening

The witnesses have all stated that Wilson grabbed Brown, pulled him in towards the car and Brown struggled to get free - which falls in line with those "injuries." Wilson was no longer in any potential danger when he got out of his vehicle and shot Brown dead, 50 yards away.

I would love to know how he got those injuries, with Brown, on his knees, 50 feet away, with his arms up.

A sports match? An innocent person died.

I know one thing: a black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri did not try to take a gun away from a (white) cop. That shit didn't happen, and if you believe it did you're delusional.


You realize that what people are upset about is that the grand jury didn't indict, therefore they won't have a trial. Oh, and btw, grand juries indict over 99% of the time- it's the prosecutor's show, if he wants an indictment, he should be able to get one.

Because the cops have been shady from the beginning, releasing statements that have also proven to be false (not that the SLC Prosecutor mentioned that.), erasing Darren Wilson's social media presence before he was even outed as the shooter, releasing footage of Brown's supposed shoplifting before they released

Premature balding and ugly, spotty skin. Being unattractive is not an injury, Wilson.
