
“Roy Moore’s loss means to me the fact that Alabama is about to make some changes. And I believe it’s going to be in the positive side of things,” she told CNN’s New Day.

Neat. BTW, most of the other states made these changes decades ago, and I feel pretty funny handing a participation trophy to a state that voted

I’ve been saying this for a while now (or rather, muttering into my pint glass). As similar as the Nixon and Trump administrations are in some aspects, including the investigations, I don’t see Trump resigning under any circumstances. In fact, I’m pretty nervous about what he WILL do when that day comes (and I think

He’s not getting impeached. Moore will win today and the Republicans will retain control of the house and senate. Besides, you can’t undo the fact that Donald Motherfucking Trump was, at one time, the president of the united states. That will leave a permanent stain.

I finally saw Baby Driver this weekend, after a bunch of friends have been singing its praises since the summer, and I was underwhelmed. Maybe it was overhyped, but I thought it was mostly style (the driving sequences were excellent and some of the music moments were great), and very little substance. I could see

Every election from now on is going to require a Trump.

Hey Guys,

Hell yeah, if it ain’t fife and drum music it ain’t shit!

The only truly correct opinion here is that electronic music is bad and those damn kids should stay off my lawn.

Who knew cops were so easily... triggered?

At least LA Confidential was an ensemble cast... right?

I’m actually even more impressed by his acting in American Beauty now. I really wonder how he convincingly acted the scene when he realizes that Mena Suvari is just a scared kid when he clearly never had that realization in real life.


Never mind American Beauty, which (arguably) wasn’t as good as TUS but still pretty decent... ya know, until recently. At least LA Confidential was an ensemble cast... right?

You work for Hulu?

And Robin Wright will absolutely kill it.

critically praised novel

Surely Melania can charge it on the credit card that is the key to their marriage.

Shut up, Mel.