
Possibly. You might as well leave this discussion. But, if you do, don't look back in anger.

Sugar Ray is the least bad out of that list. At least they didn't seem to take themselves seriously.

Don't forget about Nickelback and Linkin Park, every bit as horrible as the parade of late 90s / early 2000s boy bands.

Even accepting everything written in this article as true, I'd still take 1996's radio music over 2016's radio music.

I'm sure that Cersei didn't think that through- that's one of her major weaknesses. She's too short-sighted.

You're right- I was including them when I stated that she murdered a significant chunk of the Kings Landing leadership class in her attack. I did not notice many nobles at her coronation- it was mostly Lannister soldiers. She's going to have to be a full-on military dictator to keep control of the city.

Books only, I think.

You're right. I hope they get into the ramifications of Cersei's attack next season. Her actions could be understood as a coup, and the commoners aren't going to be happy that their new (and hated) queen destroyed their spiritual leader and burned down a significant chunk of the city. There should be riots and

She didn't have any specifics. She just had a bad feeling. Still, she seemingly managed to convince the High Sparrow, albiet 5 minutes too late.

You have a point, but Tommen did seem to establish that the High Sparrow had temporal authority as well as religious authority over the span of the past few episodes.

I thought the Wildfire detonation ending was fantastic. It was an interesting way to show just how far Cersei would go for revenge- she murdered hundreds of people, including a good chunk of the Kings Landing leadership class, in what was essentially a terrorist attack. She exploited the particular tools she had at

Maybe, but I liked seeing Hotah exposed as a chump. Hotah is probably my least favorite book POV character.

I enjoyed Arya chapters for the first 3 books, but things went downhill quickly once she arrived at Braavos (just like in the show).

Ironically, the High Sparrow failed to have his own "little birds" to warn him that tons and tons of magical high explosives were under the Great Sept. Cersei had inside information, and she used it to the fullest.

I thought that this was a top 3 episode for the entire series, in the same tier as Blackwater and Hardhome. By contrast, I was underwhelmed by last week's episode. I don't understand how anyone who enjoys the show could find "Winds of Winter" boring.

I'm indifferent about the inclusion of Varys; I just think it's a weird thing to nitpick. Had they not included Varys, I don't think that I would have noticed the Martell ships, though, so he did add something by being in the shot.

Most of those ships were the Ironborn fleet that Yara & Theon brought. Of the ones we could see, there weren't that many Martell ships relative to the rest.

An episode from early this season (or possibly from season 5) showed Qyburn giving the little birds candy.

The Martells and Tyrells both had navies as well as armies. I don't assume that the entirety of the Martell and Tyrell armies are on those ships, or that the Martell and Tyrell ships are solely troop transport ships.

I didn't find book Jon to be any more compelling than show Jon. Of all of the major characters, Jon ranks among the least interesting IMO.