
Qyburn has a white panel van with no windows in which he stores candy for the little birds.

Is there something wrong with getting a cool shot? You're the second person in this little subthread griping that the closing scene with Dany, Tyrion, and Varys was a "cool shot," as though that's a reason for not liking it. Weird. And this shot wasn't unrealistic- it just depends on the people watching to pay

Jon, most likely. It could also be Sweetrobin (not likely) or Jamie (also not likely, as he now wants to kill Tyrion). And there's always Littlefinger, if Jon is not cooperative…

The scene in the Water Gardens basically stated that Dorne and the Reach are now allied with Dany. If that is the case, then why should it be a surprise that they sent some ships to join the rest of Dany's fleet? I assume that they rendezvoused with Dany off the coast of Dorne.

Yeah, a Sand Snake would have worked. Maybe "Bad Pussy" or Barbaro (as the Queen of Thornes hilariously named Obara).

I agree with both of you. There's no reason to assume that Varys took the Martell fleet back to Mereen.

The Tyrells also have a fleet (at least in the books- the Redwyne fleet).

That's what I think- the Martell's likely met Dany's fleet mid-ocean.

I think that Pycelle's murder was just Qyburn freelancing. He got to watch the Grand Maester brutally murdered by children he controlled- not bad for a disgraced former Maester.

No, based on our previous conversations you're a pseudo-intellectual hypocrite who tries to create some false moral high ground by attacking the show for sexual and gender issues that the books utterly eclipse in every way. You immediately resort to ad hominem attacks for differences of opinion- for example, last

Just keep telling yourself that, hypocrite.

I hope you're right. Some of the chapters have been ho-hum (the Arianne and Arya chapters), some have been amazing (the Theon and Aeron chapters). Even though I found the past few books hit and miss, I'd still read TWoW. And no, I don't think that GRRM has kids.

Yeah, you made yourself obnoxious per usual. It's like dealing with the ASOIAF version of the Westboro Baptist Church.

It's MinaJen, crazed defender of bookdom here to crap on everyone's parade! Shouldn't you be with the other psychos at

Did she have her tailor take one of Tywin's outfits and modify it, or did Qyburn torture and kill some random Romulan who landed in Westeros on a scouting mission?

Ros would have saved everyone. Poor Ros. She was one of my favorites.

I knew I wasn't alone. Thank you, AV Club.

Though this season was perfect Dorne- one scene with half of Dorne getting murdered, then another scene at the end of the season with the Queen of Thorns yelling at them. Plus, we got to see Areo Hotah murdered by a girl a quarter his size! If only the show had "Darkstar" and Arianne similarly humiliated- it would

He's said before that the story dies with him. Maybe he'll change his mind. But I don't expect to see another ASOIAF book. He's said it himself- he has made "dumptrucks full of money" off of the series and show already. If the threat of the show passing him didn't inspire him to write, nothing will.

And what's the deal with Flea Bottom food? They call it a bowl of brown, but it's not always brown. Sometimes it's beige. What's up with that?