
...And I think this is a REALLY important thing to consider with Land Rover unreliability. If you’re in Doug’s heavily Carfax warranty’d Range Rover and something goes bad, it’s “Bring it in for service and they have to realign the turbo encabulators with new magnetic fluid...for $2100" If you’re in the Defender and

Be still my fluttering heart. This looks like it ought to be very capable of quietly soldiering on for the next century.

It’s maddening that SO MANY things are seen by the masses through the actions of a few very vocal idiots.

Tried to find an article about it, found this, almost spit coffee on my monitor.

Came to say this, but you did it already, and better than I would have. Carry on.


Serious theory? Maybe the one he has fitted is a custom-machined one just for his feet, for easier heel-and-toe work. Looking at the schematic, it wouldn’t be hard to have someone machine a custom pedal (if you’re the sort of person who drives an Enzo about). Or maybe this is the custom-tweaked one, and he puts on the

True story ...

Probably fewer Jaguars than Ferraris. There’s probably a Lucas Electrics joke here, but I’m too tired to make it.

Jeep Wrangler. Body-on frame, super-simple. Just get some lowering springs and disc brakes and have at it.

OK, so this isn’t a story of selling a car. But it involves a vehicle. And a sale.
I had just redone a little retaining wall in front of the garden in the front of my house. I’d replaced the “el cheapo” concrete blocks with ones that looked more natural....which meant I had about 80 used retaining-wall blocks on my

Just not on a hot summer day. Those seatbelts get nasty-hot.

This car embodies IDGAF. Smoke the tires at traffic lights. Let your dog hang out in the back seat. Smoke and fart in the car. Haul your drunk friends around in it. Get it sideways in dirt. Hose it off every now and then.
This is a shitty car in the best way that a car can be a shitty car. It will be smelly and loud

Actually ... I know that someone (Goodyear?) had some awful tires with colors in them a while back (for reasons!) ... wonder if they could put a layer of color in (or make the tread colored and the under-layer black) so that when you’ve worn down to dangerous levels, your tires literally turn red...

OK, so this is a fascinating clip and I love it. But I’m weirdly preoccupied with the little snippets at the beginning and the end. As far as I can tell, the beginning is someone who sounds like John Cleese saying “Where, Fred?” and a shot of a drawing of several worker-types staring into a manhole. Did Fred fall down

I think “sell”. That’s what I heard, anyway, and makes sense.

In the same way that there are certain cars that I can’t help but nice-price — an “it just needs some TLC” 70s Alfa, or a 60s Brit roadster — there are cars that I cannot nice-price at any price. I don’t have an inherent problem with replicas - the Beck Porsche replicas are really lovely. But this Mercedes replica