Jack Davidson

The flip side of “There’s dragons and orcs, why can’t there be Black people? This is a made up story and doesn’t represent reality, you can do whatever you want!” is “There’s dragons and orcs, why does there HAVE to be Black people? This is a made up story and doesn’t represent reality, you can do whatever you want!”

The truly baffling American desire to police other countries.

Right wing grifters will celebrate and take credit for it. Because of course.

It’s a rated “M” game people. No doubt there would be something “triggering” in it. I hope the studio doesn’t give in and alter the game experience, like what happened with, SuperHot. 

It is an obvious set up. 60% of America is some form of Jesus worship. Theres one conservative place on the TV and not on the internet and its owned by disney. There should be more conservative outlets or forums. Systematically they are being taken down one by one. It has been happening for 10 years and anyone who

Does the author expects people to live in pandemic mode for the rest of their lives? Covid is not going away. Between multiple vaccines, advances in treatment and some degree of natural immunity, most people have started to treat Covid as endemic and resumed their regular lives, including health authorities.

You seem eager to defend G/O Media here, so you tell us.

That’s not how it reads at all. It reads more like “Everyone used to crunch, but Bethesda doesn’t crunch anymore, and we shouldn’t get angry at them for crunching if they no longer crunch.”

I’ve been part of two large corporations (Amazon being one of them) and HR is usually a pretty good bet. HR was broken at Blizzard for sure but I have a feeling Microsoft has a fairly competant HR department. (Look at the advances they’re making for employees first. Stopping forced arbitration among them.)


The intended audience doesn’t change that these games are predatory. You make it sound like criticism regarding the exploitation of whales is somehow platform dependent.

I’m sorry but Chet is full of shit if he’s suggesting “turning up to stand outside a building with placards” constitutes some form of “harassment” of individual persons. By that same logic every trade union ever as well as all these employee-led campaigns of game studios should be stopped and participants thrown in

If they wanted to make something based on a Bungie series, they should have gone with the one that had an actually interesting storyline (*cough* Marathon *cough*).

i think its dishonest to assume everyone is doing what you think they are doing. i maybe did these things the first time through dark souls, but i haven’t this time and i really don’t think i’m some magical unicorn freak.

Everything you’ve listed here is completely optional to the player.  Get stuck on a boss? Summon help.  Melee too tough? Used ranged bows or spells.  Care about the Lore? Read item descriptions or look it up online.  I don’t see how any of this is bad.

I explained to my dad the other day about the whole “add an easy mode argument”. He just said, “There is an easy fix for that. Just don’t play the game then. I could have given up on Metroid but I didn’t and I still remember beating it to this day.” That right there coming from a non gamer is the whole point. Also I

Luke, do you have any friends that are strippers? I suggest asking them what they think. Is it okay to have sex during a lunch break? What if it’s with a sex worker? What if you look at porn? Is that OK? Or is it only wrong if anyone else is there from the office?

Yeah agreed, this seems offensive to both people who work in that industry and patronize it. The other problems are serious, this one seems more like an issue with how people view strippers/pornstars.

So, I get everything else, but why is going to a strip club during lunch a bad thing? Like, are they gone more than the hour or whatever alotted to them? Are they not clocking out and using company time? Are they coming back drunk? If not... it’s their lunch break, they can go where they want.

Parker said the decision to not remove the revealing outfits players criticized about from the game wholesale because it wanted to balance the experience for “hardcore fans” and players in the U.S.

Meh. I’m almost done and really enjoying it. It’s great world-building, science that isn’t dumb and FOR FUCKING ONCE protagonists who are just decent people who are intelligent and good at what they do and don’t have closets full of dark secrets.