Jack Davidson

lol here we go with another media shitpost about how Amber Heard wasn’t lying even though there was a mountain of evidence she was. Gotta enforce that narrative that no woman ever lies because if even one of them is caught lying it destroys the whole narrative you subhumans have been spewing for the past decade.

I’d be

Except that’s blatantly wrong but go ahead push your western propaganda lib agenda more.

They never should have become the old ways. Western society has gone to utter shit because of the change.

Love keyboard warriors who like to tell others how to behave when the literal people involved and affected by their words say its ok. Please KYS.

It’s not my fault you get your feelings in a tussie because of the combination of audible noises that come from my vocal chords. You have the responsibility for how those sounds make you feel. You have control over it. If I put together a certain group of phonetic characters to create a “word” and that “word” offends

Oh sure, if you’re a fucking idiot who has no intention of playing the game the way it’s intended to be played.

Oh sure, if you’re a fucking idiot who has no intention of playing the game the way it’s intended to be played.

Except you’re never playing the game in single player. You’re always online, fuckwad.

LOL. Good, don’t ever go. No one wants to see you and you’d probably be a drag anyway. Enjoy hiding in your room while the rest of the world moves on. I’m sure it’ll make you feel better as you martyr yourself for a cause no one cares about.

Sure. “Living” doesn’t mean crossing the street without looking both ways. Living means living your life to its fullest. Only an idiot would miss that distinction.

So I guess that makes you an idiot.

Why the FUCK would I give a shit what the kotaku comments section thinks lol? That’s the funniest thing I’ve read this entire thread, that you think what “most of us here” matters to me. I’m literally dying over here lol.

You guys are an outlier. If you left your house you’d realize that. Go to the grocery store.

That’s where you’re fucking up. You think this is a science question when it’s not. It’s an ethics question.

Cool, see my reply down thread. We’re NEVER going to deprive it of oxygen. We’re never locking down again. So you can either learn to live with it, or hide from it.

Yes, and?

And we never will. So we can either deal with it and move on like most of us have, or sit in our houses and scream and moan about muh recklessness like the people in this thread. Guess which one is more productive?


That’s the key. These people will never learn because they don’t want to learn. This has become a game of who’s the biggest virtuous douchebag, who’s willing to sacrifice the most to stop covid. It’s a dick measuring contest of righteousness and martyrdom and nothing more.

No one should feel shame for living their lives to the fullest. Full stop. They did what they had to do to be responsible. They got the vaccine. They wore masks. The rest of it is on everyone else. Personal responsibility ends with the vaccine. That’s where the buck stops. If you get the vaccine and you wear a mask,

Same thing as the guy above. You lost two years because you choose to be scared. No one else is. How long are you going to hide in your house and scream about the time that’s slipping away before admitting you’re living in the past and come out to play like the rest of us?

Because I hate to tell you, this shit? It

What’s your point? We can end world hunger and shelter the homeless too, but that’s not happening either. Should I conserve food and energy and live a life of modesty anyway?

Here’s the deal, this guy wasted two years of his life acting like a pious prick and then threw a tantrum when confronted with the fact no one

Cry more but I’m the one who had a great time last year living my life, and you’re the one who’s deluded into thinking hiding in your house changed a thing. Guess who’s having more fun?